Welcome to MMOZ! Today we are talking about a system that has been called the Lotto Destroyer System scam. The Lotto Destroyer is a system that makes some big claims and was created by a guy that says he’s won the lottery on more than one occasion.
In this article, we’ll discuss this system and I’ll give you my opinion as to whether I think it’s a scam or not. I highly encourage you to join in with the discussion as well. As usual, you will find the comments at the bottom of the article.

For many people, the idea of winning the lotto might seem like the perfect solution to all their problems. Millions of people rush to buy their tickets each week in the hope of becoming clear of debt and financially free. We hear stories all the time about people who have been lucky enough to win the lottery.
But is it all just luck? Or is there more to winning the lottery than just guessing the outcome of a few numbers? There are mixed opinions but one guy going by the name of Jared Wilson claims to have the answer. In fact, Jared says that he has not only won the lottery but won it on multiple occasions.
Jared claims to be such an expert in the art of winning the lotto that he created a guide to show us the secret formula to success. Introducing the Lotto Destroyer System! So what is it? Does it work? Should you spend your hard-earned money on it? More importantly, why are some people calling this the Lotto Destroyer System scam?
Table of Contents
What is the Lotto Destroyer System?
On visiting the official website you will learn from the sales pitch that the Lotto Destroyer is basically a lottery system and software app that claims to predict results. Jared Wilson attempts to convince us that he’s some kind of mathematician genius, but to be honest I’ve heard it all before!
I should point out at this stage that there are two versions of the Lotto Destroyer website. One has plain text and images, whilst the other has a video presentation. The sales video pulls out every trick in the book to get you to believe that this system will change your life. The same goes for the text version of this site. Although this might be possible, there are several things that you need to be aware of.
The Lotto Destroyer System Scam – Should you buy it?
If you are considering purchasing this system I would like you to consider this before spending your money.
There are a lot of different opinions online right now as to whether this system is a scam or not. And there is a very good reason behind that difference of opinion. Firstly, you must understand that the Lotto Destroyer System is being promoted heavily by hundreds of marketers.
These marketers are what is known as “affiliate marketers”. If you have never heard of the term affiliate marketing, it’s when you get paid for promoting another person’s products or services. Many of the people that are promoting this product will say that the system works just so that they can get a sale.
The simple truth behind the Lotto Destroyer System is that it’s pretty much the same as every other system. The fact remains that every lottery draw is completely random and there is no real way to predict the outcome of the draw.
On saying that, there are ways to slightly sway the odds in your favour. Will the Lotto Destroyer System have you winning the lotto within the next month or so? It’s highly unlikely!

Despite there being many reports online about people winning with this system, the fact remains that this method still boils down to sheer luck!
You could go out and purchase this system and win the lottery next week, you could win it next year. Would it be down to the software or the system? No. You would stand as much chance of winning the lottery by playing random numbers as you would using this system.
The online world can be deceiving
You might see reviews for this software stating that they have won using the Lotto Destroyer. As we have already pointed out a lot of those people will be “affiliates”. However, there will also be those people who just got lucky! I saw a couple of reviews myself stating that they had genuinely won money using the system.
But was that the system or was it because they simply played? Despite there being a few people that praise this lottery system, there are many that call it a scam. It would also seem that those people have good reason to call this a scam.

Why this is called the Lotto Destroyer System Scam?
Unfortunately, there are several reasons that this product has been called the Lotto Destroyer System scam. Firstly, there are many people that have purchased this product and have had poor results. Mixed results are to be expected as we said above, you are playing a game of chance after all. However many people have reported problems with billing and refunds too.

The Lotto Destroyer System Scam – Where’s the support?
It’s sad to say that the creators behind this product have done themselves no favours at all. There are lots of reports about people not being able to get their money back after being disappointed with this product. There are even reports that some individuals have been billed several times with no response from customer support.
In fact, it would seem that customer support is lacking quite severely. We have even seen reports that despite there being a money-back guarantee, customers have been unable to get any response at all to their queries. Not great!
My Opinion On The Lotto Destroyer System Scam
In my opinion, this product is nothing more than an expensive way to guess numbers. No matter how you look at it and no matter how many formulas you apply to a lotto game, the results are still down to pure luck.
The people behind this product are internet marketers. The product is also promoted by other internet marketers. They are the ones making all the money while you live in hopes that a piece of software will solve all of your problems.
Going on the fact that people are losing their money as a result of this scam, I wouldn’t waste my time or money on it.
If you really want to learn how to make money on the internet, I can show you how…

If you want to read more about making money with the lottery, luck and methods that people use to predict the numbers you can read my article on how to win the lottery here. Otherwise, keep reading to join in with the discussion and learn how to make a legitimate income online.
How To Make A Legitimate Online Income?
In this article, I mentioned that affiliate marketers were the ones that were making the Lotto Destroyer System scam so popular. Now although I would never recommend promoting a product like this, there are totally legitimate ways to make a lot of money as an online marketer. In fact, affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative ways of earning money on the internet.
If you are interested in learning more, we offer full support and training through a website called Wealthy Affiliate. You can join and get a completely free training course that will show you how the entire process works. Should you decide to progress to the next level there is also a premium membership where you can really step things up. We also offer a Wealthy Affiliate discount and bonus on your first month’s membership. Sound interesting? It costs nothing to join! Click the link below to learn more.
Share your thoughts on The Lotto Destroyer System Scam
Have you had any experience with this scam? Would you like to comment on the post that you have just read or perhaps you have a question that you would like to ask? If so I would love to hear from you! Share your experience of the Lotto Destroyer System scam so that others can learn from your experiences.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to visit MMOZ today! I hope you found this site helpful and informative.
Have you heard about the fake lottery scams by Philippe Ballesio?
On this occasion, the victims of Philippe Ballesio receive an email from a lottery that is from another country (China) and that the victim has never played. In the message you are informed that your mail has been chosen from among thousands and that you must send a certain amount of money for the costs of sending the prize. In some situations, the emails are backed by “executives” from companies like Apple, where Philippe Ballesio worked as an engineer, but it is a total lie.
Scams like this have been going on for a long time. I remember a few years ago I started getting emails saying that I had won a cash prize and that I just needed to pay an “admin” fee. In my opinion, any prize that you have to pay for is a complete scam! I have heard quite a bit about Philippe Ballesio, but I didn’t know that he was involved in lottery scams.
Thanks for the information Pete.
Have a great day!
In higher mathematics there is studies called “Numerical Analysis” and the real fact is this: If you were to take several sets of numbers( different draw dates in the lottery) you would find random patterns of repeat numbers. It is very true of the lottery. Just take say last 7-15 games and see how may numbers and even the Powerball itself repeats within several games.
I have been working on a system myself for a few years and have gotten 4 numbers a fair amount of the time over a year. It is a fact that getting 4 or more AND plus the Powerball has to involve some luck. I have studied the numbers. To be real honest, so many times do a certain number of them repeat actually in somewhat of a pattern that it made me wonder how honest the game is when analyzing it.
The fact I think is this with any lottery whether it be Powerball, Mega Millions, Lucky for Life, etc; You can’t win if you don’t play. I have proven to myself that some good experienced system can raise your chances of winning. However, you really do need to have studied how the numbers work in these lotteries and that is just playing and be very alert to patterns and know how random number generation works. I can say my system and me being an ex Network engineer, I have applied it to the casino slot machines also and have a net gain each year for 9 years straight from understanding random number generation, experienced playing, and awareness of slot machine programming.
Knowing numbers I would say that any software claims such as Lottery Destroyer is just a claim and if you hit with it’s system it is 98%+ luck. I will give them 2% ! Another thing is it is ridiculous to me to pay anymore than maybe $20 for a system. You definitely do not want to get into paying $100 or more for any system. I have done that to compare those to my simple manual system and see if I could learn anything from different systems to incorporate with my own. Needless to say I have not found one yet.
If I ever develop my system(and I continue to work on it and it has improved) to the point where I can hit 4 or more once per month continuously with minimum plays (not wheeling)….. I will let you know.
Hi there TW!
I would like to thank you for taking the time to send this comment. I really appreciate you sharing this with us. Of course you are quite right, spending a large amount of money on a lotto system is highly likely to be a complete waste of time. Some people might get lucky, you never know! But I’m really interested to hear you mathematical slant on this. I did a bit of research myself some time ago when I wrote another article about how to win the lottery. Like yourself, I found that there could be some possibilities of winning the lottery by using mathematics, as well as some other methods. However, I still conclude that most of it comes down to luck. That is of course if the whole thing isn’t fixed!!
I wish you the very best in your further research and welcome you to return and let us know how you get on!
Take care,
Hi TW,
I see that there are others like me out there thinking about this subject.
As an experienced computer programmer I have written a fairly large piece of code in this matter and I would appreciate you for some input on how your algorithm would fit to my system. I have put all together on my website that is completely free for everyone to use.
Completely free eh? I think most people have heard that one before. But feel free to go ahead and tell us all about your system.
Hi Andrew,
Predictions are made for the next drawing for some major and some smaller lotteries worldwide. You can choose upto 15 numbers from either my hot or cold list and wheel those ones, It will fist display all possible combinations, as we don’t want to break the bank to play all lines we have to filter out the less interesting stuff massively, which is achived by selecting any combination of following filters:
– most and/or least frequent numbers, all tickets having only odd/even numbers, all tickets with low/high number sum, tickets with more than 3 consecutive numbers, tickets having birth dates and finally tickets having a large gap between any of 2 consecutive numbers(satisfying Delta System). By applying all filters you can usually get rid of more than 90% of the wheeled tickets.
I have listed the last 30 predictions with the performance for every lottery so you can have a picture of the accuracy of the system for your reference.
All of this is free to use for everyone and subsciption is not necessary for using. The only thing you have to pay for is the tickets you want to play, of course. Although I have placed affiliate links on the site I encourage you to buy paper tickets at your local store, just to be sure you have everything in your own hands.
The site’s address is lotterysonar.com
I have added some interesting posts to the site, too.
Just give it a try and let me know your critics, if you have any ideas about the filters or any new ones I did not consider I would be glad to know. The system’s design makes it very easy to add any other lottery not listed, I just need some history data of that lottery which is mostly available for download.
Any input of ideas would be highly appreciated.
Hi there Danny. Thanks for explaining your site and sharing it with us. I’m sure many of the readers here will be interested to take a look.
Hi Andrew,
many thanks for publishing, I’ll let you know about the progress.
No problem Danny. Feel free to let us know how things progress.
Take care,
I wish I could have known this before I purchased the lotto destroyer system. I have never seen or been able to download the online book. I never received anything for my purchase! I am going to be trying to get my bank to dispute the charges since I used my Visa Card?
You may well be able to get your money back by contacting your credit card. Did you make your purchase from the official site or from somewhere else?
You tell me I’ve already signed in. Now what? *** Phone Number Deleted By Admin For Privacy ***
Hi there Dan. I’m not sure that you are aware of where you are sending your message? You sent your message to my product review page. I wrote a review on the Lotto Destroyer System and warned people that it was a scam. You sent me a message asking what you should do, but I can’t tell you that as we are not the official website. My review may well be ranking above the official website due to its popularity. But the reason that this article has become popular is simply because I have warned people about this system being a total scam. Please be extremely careful when parting with you money. The lotto Destroyer System scam is out to take you for all it can.
I hope that helps,
All lottery winners have a secret they will never share to the public. 90% will keep the secret of their success to the grave, but in this life of no mans own, you have to help others in other for you to gain more help in the future. Its been seven years now I have been playing the lottery and the highest win I won was $700. Night and day something inner always tells me that there is a perfect way to win the lottery so I continue my search.
Well hello Monica. It’s funny but a lot of people who eventually go on to win the lottery say that they always had a strange feeling. I did some research a while ago about the lottery and it was very interesting to discover that many people felt that they would win before doing so. Sometimes it would take them many months or even years, but eventually many of these people did actually win the lottery. You can read the article that I wrote here: How To Win The Lottery. Perhaps you are right about the lottery and maybe there is a secret to winning. Or then again, perhaps it’s just pure luck and superstition.
I never thought I would comment on an article with so much joy in my heart, years have gone by without a fruitful reward over playing the lottery. I have spent a lot on tips on how to win the lottery, but sadly none of them worked for me. Then, out of the blue I had some good fortune a few weeks ago and finally I won a substantial amount on the lottery. I didn’t use any tips or special techniques, I just guessed the numbers! Just goes to show that it all just comes down to luck in the end! Thanks for your articles and all your help. Good luck to you all, keep playing, you never know!
Well congratulations on your lottery win! I feel very privileged that you should leave a comment on here, sharing your good fortune. I’m very pleased for you, and it just goes to show that you don’t need a special formula to win on the lottery. I hope the money brings you and your family much pleasure and enjoyment. Spend it wisely!
Thanks for you review of the Lotto Destroyer System. Publisher’s Clearing House has it as an advertisement on one of there games. I kept seeing it and decided to see if there were any reviews about it. That’s when I ran into your review. I always wonder if a person is making so much money winning the lottery, why do they need to charge anyone else to win the lottery like they do. Never makes since to me!
Thanks again.
Ha ha! Exactly right Rosalind. If winning the lottery was so easy, why would you spend your time creating a digital product and having it marketed around the internet. Why would you also have hundreds of other advertisers and marketers promote it as much as possible? Wouldn’t you just tell your family and best friends how to win and then retire on a beach somewhere? Or perhaps that’s just me!
Anyway, thank you for your thoughts on the subject, I really appreciate it!
I hope to see you here again soon.
This is not the only software on the internet trying to scam people into thinking they can win the lottery. I have been scammed before and now I’m paying the price for that scam and anytime I come across videos that are like the few I have seen I just laugh to myself and I’ll watch the video until the end and see how much these people are asking for. The sad truth is the internet is a big marketing affiliate market in itself. I can’t even look at Facebook without trying to be scammed.
Although Andrew may be offering a great service to us by informing us that this Lotto Destroyer is a scam, but he is also trying to sell you an idea to create a website. But once the website is created it cost more money to get traffic to your site. And to also have numerous companies calling wanting to sell you products to list on your site. I will never fall for this again, even if it means losing out on a legit way to earn cash.
Hi there Tasha. Thank you for taking the time to post your comment. Sounds like the scam that you came across has left you feeling pretty bitter. You are quite right in what you say here but of course I have to explain and defend what I am actually doing here. You are right when you say that I am offering a legit way of making money online and you are also right when you say that I am making money in the process. Like it or not, that’s the way online business works.
What I am offering on this website is completely free information and reviews that warn people about online scams. I also offer a completely free training course where you or anyone else can learn about online marketing and how money is genuinely earned online. If that person wants to try building their own affiliate website they can do at zero cost too. If and only if that person wants to continue and further their online business, they can upgrade their membership to a premium membership. Only at that point where someone upgrades do I get paid. Everything else that I do, including responding to you right now, is completely free! You are actually completely wrong about paying to get traffic to your website. We teach ways of getting free traffic and that is our primary goal. I don’t know what you mean about “numerous companies calling wanting to sell you products”? But we don’t do that either!
Finding something totally legit online is really hard and there are so many scams it’s really difficult to tell the difference sometimes. I’m sorry that you were scammed, but sometimes you need to make a positive out of the negative. I was scammed on more than one occasion during my journey online. Being scammed was one of the reasons that I started this website.
Rest assured that your comments will help others to avoid the Lotto Destroyer Scam. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, I really appreciate it.
Take care,
I loved your review of the Lotto Destroyer System it was really informational and funny as well. I liked all of the points you made in the article it was really on point, so I now know what not to buy, haha. There’s really no comparison from the Lotto System to Wealthy Affiliate and your dead on about that, good job with the post.
Thank you for posting your comments and for the kind words, I really do appreciate that. I certainly wouldn’t recommend the Lotto Destroyer. As a way to make money on the internet, starting your own small online business is the best possible way forward. The Wealthy Affiliate membership offers everything that you need to get started and is perfect for newcomers. Trying to beat the lotto is impossible! Some people will always have hopes and dreams of winning the lottery, but they are dreams that we can’t force to become reality. On the other hand, I can try to force success from an online business!
Thanks again,
I listened to the Lotto Destroyer pitch and I knew that when anyone puts a time limit on something they are selling it most likely means they are pressuring you to buy without investigating them but the real reason that makes me suspicious is when they tell me they want to give back by letting have the same opportunity or chance at making great deals of money as they have done but want to charge me to do it. If I am really trying to give back or trying to help others it’s going to be for non-profit or in some cases maybe no charge and not for what they were charging. I liked your opinion and if people would take time like I did to check this out maybe there wouldn’t be as many scams out there. Thank You!
Hi there James. Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts on this subject. I totally agree with you and I wish that people would check reviews and try to get a bit more info before jumping into these things. However, a lot of people don’t even realize that most online systems are reviewed. Plus a lot of people think that what they see online must be regulated and therefore the truth. Unfortunately this isn’t the case. And yes you are quite right, most of the time when you see a timer it means its a scam! However, I must say I have recently seen a legit product that was only sold for a week. That was one of the exceptions!
Thanks again for your comments,
My elderly aunt purchased this yesterday. She called me, I told her it was a scam. She stated she had 60 days to cancel and get her money back. I have read that it is difficult to get a refund, if at all. My question is, do you know where I would go to try and cancel this for her? I have googled cancel lotto destroyer and I have no had much luck finding even where to begin to try.
Thank you!
Hi there Tina. Yes I will try to help you. As far as I am aware the Lotto Destroyer is being sold through a company called Software Projects (dot com) and they handle the payments. This actually seems like a decent payment processor but I know there have been issues in the past with people getting refunds. The problem may have been because those people were trying to deal directly with the creators of the Lotto Destroyer software. Your best bet would be to go directly through the payment processor (Softwareprojects.com).
If your Aunt wants to cancel and get her money back, here’s what to do. Your aunt should have been sent some details when she made her purchase via email. She should at least have an order reference number on her receipt from the Lotto Destroyer and there should also be details of where to go if you need customer support. To get a refund simply go to Softwareprojects(dot com) and scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see a cancel order and refund link there. After clicking the refund link you will need to enter some details about the order. According to Software Projects, they offer a full 60 day money back guarantee with no questions asked. Unfortunately I can’t guarantee that these guys will respond to you, but going through the payment processor is much better than trying to deal directly with the creators of the product.
I hope that helps. It would be great if you could add another comment to this page to let us know how you get on.
I noticed this number at the very bottom of the privacy and police section 1-800-218-1525 and it also had an email for the company SoftwareProject.com
They’re saying that if you need to cancel or look up your order number then you can look it up on findorder.com
I wish you the best of luck on your refund. I notice this had inside the PCH when I was playing the games.
Thank you for your input!
Hi. I was going to buy this system until I read your website. You seem knowledgeable about lottery software and books. Is there any reliable system or book that exists?
Hi Amber! Thank you for asking this question, I’m sure that many people will be wondering the same thing. To be completely honest, in my opinion there can never be a system or method that will help you to win the lottery. Simply playing more increases your chances slightly of winning something, but there are no guarantees. Because the lottery is just a game of chance and luck, you can never rely on a system. You can of course use a system to help choose your numbers, but no matter what method you choose, the game is still won on sheer luck alone.
On this website we like to investigate ways of making money online. Whilst this is a little off subject, I recommend creating an online business rather than trying to make money with systems that rely on good luck. Sometimes it can still be a bit of a gamble in business too, but starting your own website for profit is certainly more likely to bring better returns than the lottery. In my opinion using lottery systems like the Lotto Destroyer is just a waste of time. If you want to play the lottery you can make your own system up for free, like pulling the numbers out of a hat!
But if you are looking for a genuine way to make some extra money, then I would recommend looking at my Wealthy Affiliate guide.
Thanks for the question, I wish you the best of luck for the future!
Andrew, et al., Thank you for your comments. It is always tempting to try out a gimmick here and there. We are retired and add’tl income would always be nice, but it’s really not worth jumping into these things.
We’ve yet to find any “promises of “addt’l income” online” worth wasting our savings on. We would rather help the grandkids get through college even with some of them working two jobs to finally realize their goals in life.
Everything is so darned expensive today…some stores would not need so many sales if they would quit trying to gouge people for their merchandise. We’ve found that having too much “stuff” is a pain anyway, because you have to take care of it, so now we’re giving things away that we simply don’t want to be bothered with.
I remember being warned back in school by the nuns about the encroaching materialism in this wonderful country.
Lke my husband said. “Who needs all that “STUFF?”.
Hi there! Thank you very much for posting this comment and sharing your thoughts with us. I think you have given us all something to think about here! You are right in what you say here, lots of us are focused on material things in life. Many of us dream of winning the lottery and being able to buy the things that we want and do all of the wonderful things that we dream of. But in reality would it really make our lives better? I wrote an article on this website some time ago about how to win the lottery and whilst doing my research I found several people that had won the lottery and it had effected their lives in a negative way. Do we really need all of the material things that we dream of? Probably not. Would they make us happy? Maybe?
As for your comment about making additional income online, there are a few good services out there that can help you. However, making money online is never fast and always takes time and effort. The general rule is that if you find a system that promises you any sort of income online then they are lying! Generating online income is best done by starting up a legitimate business, but many systems out there would have you believe that you can make profit just by clicking a few buttons and waiting for the cast to roll in.
Going back to the Lotto Destroyer System… It is tempting for people to try these gimmicks as it seems like an easy solution to getting out of debt or living a wealthy lifestyle. What upsets me is that people are sucked into these systems only to find disappointment and wasted money. There can never be a system that could ever tilt the odds of winning the lottery in your favor. People would be much better off focusing their efforts in legitimate ways of earning extra income and playing the lottery as a bit of fun. I think its good to have dreams, but you have to wonder if you would truly be happy if they ever came true?
Thanks again for your comments!
The comment about who is in the White House is proof of how stupid people really are.
Thanks for your comment Paul!
I almost bought the lotto destroyer system but my gut told me to check reviews and I am glad I did. It sound to good to be true, especially getting a refund. Thanks for the warning.
Hi there Hector. I’m very pleased to hear that you did your research before jumping in with this scam. If you are searching around for systems and training to make money online, then remember about 95% of whats out there will rip you off in some way. You have done the right thing here by looking for a review and you should do that every time. Unfortunately, you cant always trust the reviews either! Sometimes affiliates promoting products will say anything to get you to buy and so quite often we see reviews endorsing scams. It can be quite hard to find the truth sometimes!
I’m glad that you avoided the Lotto Destroyer system. This method might have given you a few techniques for selecting numbers for the lotto, but that’s about it! And yes, getting your money back from these sites can be a real pain. A lot of the time you simply get ignored. My advice would be to try a method of making money with low risk and high returns. Have you looked at our recommended systems?
Take care Hector!
So many scams about and even this review then goes on to recommend wealthy affiliates which is another way to lose lots of money!
Hi there John. It sounds like you have some experience that I would like to hear about. In my opinion the Wealthy Affiliate membership is not a scam. I say this because I have personally made far more profit with the techniques taught in WA than the cost of the membership. There are lots of successful affiliates within Wealthy Affiliate and in my opinion the training is second to none. If you have had a negative experience with the site, then I would love to hear your story.
Hi Andrew. It looks like you are part of Wealthy Affiliates and are actively marketing their scheme.
Can you say in all honesty that you do not have a financial reason to support their recruitment.
From my reading, they are all about luring people in with a limited free offer and then pushing them into financial commitments and becoming pyramid salesmen for the WA product.
Hi there John. Thank you for your reply. I totally understand what you are saying here! Let me tell you, the one thing that myself and this site stand by is telling the truth and the facts as they are. The only reason that I stand by Wealthy Affiliate and promote their training is because it works and doesn’t hide anything. The way that I work and the way that Wealthy Affiliate works are very similar. I want to be completely transparent in what I do and if you were to take a close look at Wealthy Affiliate, you would find that they are very transparent too.
The free membership is there so that you can see inside the members area and take a full 10 part video training course before you decide to take things any further. The free free membership is not a free trial as such. With the free version of WA you can build 2 free affiliate websites with the basic skills that you learn within the training. This gives anyone new to affiliate marketing the chance to test things out before making any financial commitments. The only thing that is limited is the one to one support that you get from Wealthy Affiliate. Other than that the free membership is for life. You can even keep the free websites so long as you keep them updated. Within the first week of the membership you also get free one to one support from myself or any of the other experienced affiliate marketers.
Now I don’t know how many affiliate marketing or money making systems that you have looked at but most of them want money up-front before you see anything. There is no other online training platform that I know of that gives this level of support and this much training for free. Almost everything else out there is either outdated or a complete scam. I know this for a fact because I have reviewed a lot of them!
In answer to your question, yes I get paid a commission from Wealthy Affiliate for bringing new members to their website. I run this website as a business, just the same as Wealthy Affiliate is a business too. I am not in the business of scamming people or leading them into anything that’s going to rip them off.
I totally understand why you would be cautious about Wealthy Affiliate and you are right to be that way. The majority of these kinds of websites are a total waste of time. However, I stand by the fact that you cannot get better affiliate marketing training for free anywhere else online. I spend a lot of time working with people that really want to learn affiliate marketing and ways of making money online. I can confidently give people those skills and the Wealthy Affiliate platform helps to put me in touch with those people.
If you need any more information I would be glad to help you further.
Take care,
I wish that I would have known this before I purchased the lotto destroyer system. The worst thing is that I have never ever seen the online download and I never received anything for my purchase. The old saying is if it’s too good to be true it usually is!
Quite right. In general if it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. However, if you made a purchase from the official site you may be covered by a money back guarantee. Have you tried to contact the vendor?
Lotto-destroyer is silly as a premise. If I have some wonderful way to win the lotto, why sell the idea. Just go from State to State and win the lotto. People are so easily tricked and scammed. Look at who is in the White house for all the proof you need.
Hi there! You are quite right, the Lotto Destroyer is a bit of a crazy promise. There are lots of lottery systems, methods and software applications out there that make all kinds of wild promises. You are right in what you say, why would you sell the system if you had the perfect way to win the lottery each time? It doesn’t make any sense. But then, the sales pages and videos for these websites always seem to be able to come up with a way of making an excuse up. The times I have heard the same story of someone earning tons of money and then deciding to “give something back”! According to sales videos there are a lot of kind people out there!
Thanks for the comment.
Lotto Destroyer System, whatever next. I can just imagine all the probability experts rubbishing this, that’s for sure.
If this works then why do we have this creation and why are there so many affiliate marketers pushing this program?
The probability regarding how many of their affiliate marketers would be working away pushing this business if they had won the lottery relegates this system to a scam with immediate effect.
Informative review nevertheless, thanks,
You’re very welcome Simon! Yes, you are quite right. I have no doubt that the real mathematicians and probability experts out there will be pulling this to bits. This really is nothing more than a system that may or may not work, depending on your luck!
I appreciate you posting your thoughts Simon.