Hi, welcome to my Passive Profits Review. Heard about Passive Profits and decided to do some research? Well done! Please ensure you read this article before joining this program.
My name is Andrew and I have been an online marketer and website builder for around six years now. I now spend the majority of my time here on the Make Money Online Zone website.
In the process of researching reviews like this one I often uncover unethical practices. Some are outright scams, so please don’t get involved with this until you know the facts. If you look around the internet right now you will see no shortage of reviews for Passive Profits. But this review is going to be different because I’m going to tell you the truth!
Table of Contents
My Passive Profits Review – The System & The Truth
- Product Name: Passive Profits
- Price: Free (its not really, please read the full review for more details)
I heard about the launch of the Passive Profits and then discovered who it was created by. I knew at that point that I would need to write a review of this product. Having come across the people behind the Passive Profit system before, I suspected a scam.
The creators of Passive Profits have been around on the internet marketing scene for quite a while. They have also managed to get quite a name for themselves (not always in a good way).
The creators of Passive Profits are responsible for several other product launches including:
- Amazon Profit Sniper
- Instant Profit Method
- Global Commission App
- 7 Day Profit Machine
I could go on but I think you get the idea. So are these guys really good at coming up with new ways to make money online? Or are they just churning products out to make money for themselves?
Well I think you will guess the answer. I have nothing against anyone trying to make a business work but there comes a point where you have to consider how much value you are giving your customers. In fact a product launch produced by these guys last year utilized a system that was estimated to be at least three years out of date. I call that money for old rope!
But perhaps these guys have turned over a new leaf? Perhaps Passive Profits will be the system that completely redeems them! Lets take a look…
What Is Passive Profits?
Alarm bells instantly go off! My hopes of these guys going down the path of truth and honesty are immediately starting to fade! Within a couple of seconds of watching the sales video, they tell me that I’m going to be “incredibly rich”! I really hope these guys aren’t pulling my leg!

The Passive Profits video then goes on to tell us that this system will make us a minimum of $50,000 each and every month. I’ve been watching the sales video now for less that a minute and already I know this system is just another scam.
Nathan Birch is the name used within the Passive Profits system and is supposed to be the guy behind this money maker, he als appears in some of the promo material. The name is no doubt fake and this guy actually takes the roll in what has become a classic marketing story telling technique.
The Passive Profits Story
The story is… Nathan Birch (only 19 years old) suspects his father of having an affair, so hacks his dads computer to find a software miracle that changed his life… And now its going to change yours… Really?

Actually, this is just a marketing technique that has been used to great effect for many years. These guys are simply trying to draw you in with what they consider to be a believable story. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard different versions of this, its about time somebody came up with something new!
What Is The Passive Profits System?
Passive profits is a system that claims that its being given away for free. In fact it is being given away for free but that’s just part of the scam within these systems. Like many other shady marketers out there, Nathan Birch (if that’s his real name!) have teamed up with the creators of this system and made a binary options scam.
Binary What?
If you are not aware of what binary trading is, check out the Wikipedia description for the best explanation. Its sad to say, but there are tons of product creators out there now that are making binary trading scams simply because they can quickly and easily produce a product that makes them a ton of money. But these scams leave the buyer with no chance of getting their money back. Oh but wait… Wasn’t Passive Profits Free?
How The Passive Profits Scam Works
This scam works by convincing you that the Passive Profits software is amazing. It builds your confidence in the system. Heck, its even being given away for free. Well no, in actual fact, there isn’t a great deal to this software at all. Its simply designed to take your money and make money for the people that promote it. The product creators of these scams can make an absolute fortune very quickly with these software apps.
So lets say that you are convinced by Nathan’s story, you say… Ok lets give this a try…
You enter your email and are then given just 10 minutes to open a trading account. They tell you that you can’t wait around as there are other people in the queue that are waiting for this opportunity also!

Sounds like you need to get a move on! What the system is getting you to do here is to enter your details in order to create a binary options trading account that the software will control for you.
They require Your Details And A Deposit!
You are asked for you name, email, oh and your phone number. The phone number is a very important component to making this thing work and you will see why in a moment.
You are directed to a page where you are asked to to complete the registration process by opening a trading account. You then need to deposit the minimum amount. In this case I was directed to a company called “Binary Book“. Its not unusual for these systems to rotate the trading companies that they deal with. The minimum amount that you need to deposit with this company is $250.
But the creators of Passive Profits remind you at this point that you are not paying for the software! The software is free and you are simply investing your money into the trading account to make it work! So what’s really going on here?
Free Or Not?
The truth is, this software is just a front. The software is given away in the hope that you will deposit money into a “preferred” broker account in order to use it. When you pay money into the trading account, the binary trading company (Binary Book) pay the scammers a nice commission. In turn the creators of the system then pay a whole team of affiliates a nice commission too.
Is Passive Profits A Scam?
Yes, it is. Do I need to say more? I only hope you have read this before getting involved.
Passive Profits Review Update: Google Gets It Wrong Sometimes!
I just needed to give a quick update on this system because the software is set to be launched to the general public very shortly. By the time you read this, I have no doubt that Passive Profits will be live and sucking people into the scam.
The reason for this update is that I just needed to show you an example of how people are led into this kind of scam. I just checked Google to see if others were promoting this system or telling the truth as we do here. Its not surprising at all to find that most of what is written is in fact saying that the Passive Profits system is great!
Unfortunately the people writing these fake reviews and saying that these systems are amazing, can’t even get it right themselves and often the articles are full of mistakes and contradicting information! So, I just wanted to show you a couple of quotes from the current No.1 ranked review in Google for Passive Profits. See what you think…
How Passive Income Works?

This review is clearly selling the dream! Worryingly this review starts with a fake image of a video that is designed to get people to click through to the website and therefore earn the reviewer some money should you buy into the dream. As you can see this review is simply relaying everything that is said within the sales video, with a little extra thrown in for good measure.
I like the sentence that says that you will be able to sit back “SAFE” in the knowledge that the Passive Profits software is working for you, making you money on total autopilot! I would like to see this guy demo the software live, now that would be worth seeing.

The review goes on to the pros and cons of the software. I like the fact that in one sentence they say that the software is totally automated and then here they say that you need to “watch the signals”? This of course is total made up rubbish.
So there you go, this is currently ranked top of Google for the release of Passive Profits. Although I have no doubt that this will change over the coming days and weeks. I just wanted to show you how these scams further convince people that they are real and legitimate.
People have faith in Google to provide the information that they need. However they still can’t tell the difference between a real review and a fake one. It doesn’t matter what anyone says, Passive Profits is a scam! Trust me, it will take your money if you give it the chance.
What Should I Do Now?
Are you looking for the complete opposite to what you have just read about? Then please allow me to show you the real way to make money online. There are no promises of fifty grand by the end of the month, like in this system. But I can show you the real, ethical and totally genuine way to start building a business online.
Unlike the system that you just read about, you really can start this one at no cost. Interested?
Please get in touch!
If you have any questions or comments about my Passive Profits Review, then please get in touch by entering your thoughts below.
Great review Andrew .. another one of the many “Binary Options Software Scams”. I especially love the contradictions in their “reviews” and promotional material that you have covered. Well done and I look forward to seeing more from you in raising awareness and how these scammers prey on people. Cheers, William.
Thank you William! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Unfortunately there are still tons of binary trading scams out there and the numbers just keep on growing. Hopefully, a lot of people will find the articles that I write helpful and they will save a few people from losing their money.
Always contradictions in these products that claim to be “passive” or “autopilot”… I actually don’t know enough about binary options, I’m going to read up on it as keep coming across it a lot. Hopefully it won’t sucker too many people in and that enough people will seek out the reviews that will expose them – a shame when people jump into these things prior to researching them. Thanks for the heads up!
Hi there, thanks for sharing your thoughts. My advice would be to stay away from binary options trading! By all means do your research and learn all about it, but don’t be tempted by it! Binary trading sounds easy, I guarantee that when you do your research you will find claims of being able to profit easily with binary options but its just not true. Binary trading brokers make a lot of money for one reason and one reason only, people lose their money to them.
Fake reviews, conflicting instructions and unrealistic returns definetly signals a scam to me.
It’s amazing how programs like this seem to get away with so much deceit. Unfortunately honest folks don’t even realise. They have put together a pleasing sales pitch that sounds grand to someone in a desperate financial situation! Shame on them!
Thanks for sharing Andrew
Kind Regards
Couldn’t have said it better myself Michelle. Its true and very sad, Passive profits is just one in a long line of scams that just take money off people in any way possible. The creators of these programs are just thieves and they don’t care about anyone.
Hi Andrew
Passive Profits isn’t a program I have read about until today and I guess rightfully so being in Prelaunch. I do know of both Ian Ross and Ian Shutts. I have never been impressed by anything they have created.
At least authors like yourself are writing authentic reviews which helps to maintain some level of authenticity in the industry. Fantastic reading.
Kind Regards
Hi Michelle
The Passive Profits system is now well and truly live. Unfortunately when it went live, the scam sucked in a lot of unfortunate individuals and the creators Ross and Shutts made a lot of money.
Yes I will certainly try to continue to give the truth about these products and hopefully point a few people in the right direction. A lot of people are just looking for a way to make money online but don’t know where to find the answers. I see it as my job to try and direct these people in the right direction.
Thanks for posting your comments, please stop by again soon!
I totally see what you mean about the contradiction, where they say that it is totally automated and then later say that you won’t make any money unless you carefully watch the signals. Also, that pathetic negative where they say you can only access it online, that without an internet connection it won’t work. Well, DUH!! Of course, and my bike won’t work if I don’t have feet to push the pedals, and my car won’t drive unless I put fuel in it. Talk about stating the obvious!
There are way too many of these kinds of scams about, and usually, the only people who make any decent money from them are the affiliate marketers that managed to fool gullible people into signing up for it.
Yeah, but there is a bigger problem with this particular scam, because I happen to know that these guys scam the affiliates too. Believe it or not, its not just the public that are being fooled! The only people that are making a lot of money from this system is the product creators.
As soon as I saw the screenshot about being incredibly rich I knew it was a scam.
I’ll have to admit that giving away the product for “free” is a clever way at reeling people into the product, but it’s the dishonesty that irks me.
Seriously, who “hacks” their dad’s computer and finds the secret of making $50,000 a month? Lol.
Ha Ha! I know, but you would be surprised how many different versions of the same story I have heard! I don’t know how teaches this stuff but somewhere there must be a marketing course that shows these guys how to put a convincing story together! What amazes me also is the scale that these products work on. This system was distributed to hundreds of people, the creators will still be profiting from it right now. Its very annoying and I just wish that I could reach everyone looking into these systems, that is one of the main goals of this site.
Hi Andrew:
I have not heard of this scam Passive Profits, but I have heard of the creators Ian Ross & Ian Shutts and as you eluded to in your article, they have a horrible reputation online as scam artists. They have built several scams over the years and made money from innocent people trying to find out how to make money online.
When I first started looking for a way to make money online, I came across one of their programs and I immediately became skeptical because they were making HUGE claims of being able to become filthy rich without making any effort. I knew right then that I had to do some research and it did not take long before I found out about these guys and their reputation. They are also a part of the PayDay scams that you hear about as well.
Thank you for helping everyone to be more aware of all the scams out there.
Hi Stephanie!
It makes you wonder how these people sleep at night doesn’t it? I’m sure that finding people who are just starting out is how these guys make their money online. They concentrate on taking money from innocent people as you say, that don’t know any better.
Thanks for joining the conversation Stephanie.
Hi Andrew, thank you for this great review. It is a still unbelievable that scammers like the two Ians survive that long on line by changing tactics on deceiving people on how to get rich quick schemes! You have done an amazing job giving detailed information on an honest way of making money online. Likewise, I really hope people will look into this binary company and truly differentiate between an honest opportunity like the Wealthy Affiliate and a mere hype. Once again, great job Andrew!
Thank you,
Thank you Violet! Yeah its my hope too that a few people will be saved by these reports. Unfortunately there are not enough people out there that do their research before taking the plunge and parting with their cash!
Thanks for taking the time to comment Violet and thank you for the complement!
I’ve never trusted products that told me I’d be rich like that overnight. They’re all over the internet today and it’s hard to believe these guys are okay lying and deceiving people like this. I’ve never heard of Ian Ross and Ian Shutts, but am glad to see you’re aware of some of the products they released in the past. Thanks for providing your insight on Passive Profits and I hope that nobody ends up buying into this product!
Its a real shame but unfortunately this product has been a real hit! I would really like to say that we have saved a few people here from being scammed but the truth is we didn’t even get close. This product has been a success for its creators and as a result many people will be well out of pocket by now.
Thanks for your article on how teenagers can make money and giving them a few ideas…we need more people blogging about helping these teenagers because their unemployment is hovering around 54% AND GROWING. teenagers love the computer and it is a great place for them to train other people on how to use the internet…especially older people.
Exactly Mac! My opinion also. There is certainly a lot more room for people to get involved. Making money online isn’t really viewed as an occupation yet I don’t think and neither is blogging! Creating a blog is just something that you do for a hobby in most peoples opinion. I think this will eventually change over time and like you say with the ever increasing unemployment rates, this can only be a good thing.
Thanks for your comment!
I do bear a *passing* resemblance – I consider it a compliment :). You’ve obviously watched An Idiot Abroad? Classic!
The Make Money Online Zone will soon have enough clout to stop scams like Passive Profits in their tracks, I’m sure.
All the best,
Hi Sean, You do look a little like Karl and I would definitely take it as a compliment. I only wish that I had a little rounder head!
I really hope that you are right about the site, fingers crossed, I’m going to try my best! For now the scammers have definitely won, but i’ll be back!
Speak to you soon,
Hey Andrew,
You mentioned you were Karl Pilkington’s biggest fan? I don’t know man, I might be a close rival for number one spot there 🙂
Anyway, about the review. *SiGH* … If I had a dollar for every crappy sales letter I’ve read that was created by crooked internet scammers, I’d already have made 10X the amount these guys are promising I’ll make with their ‘software’.
There’s obviously no such thing as ‘passive profits’ – thats’s a fairy tale. And yet how many folks are being suckered by this kind of stuff everyday?
I’ve been wanting to understand what exactly binary options are, cos you see it EVERYWHERE nowadays. I know it’s a type of trading based on the option to buy or sell, but that’s about it. Any insight you could share there?
Hey Sean, for a moment there when I saw you photo I thought you were Karl Pilkington! Ha Ha! Sorry…
Yeah, I know there are tons of scams out there but I knew that this one was going to be popular and I was right. Unfortunately due to the fact that this site isn’t a big enough name yet in Googles eyes, this review has not been ranked high enough to beat the scammers. There will now be tons of people that have been ripped off by this. The last time I looked Passive Profits was in the top 5 selling scams on the month! Really…
Anyway, good to meet you Karl… I mean Sean!
Thanks for the warning about Passive Profits. How do these guys sleep at night. You are so right, these guys are just churning out crap products to get people’s money. Next month they’ll launch another crap product with another pitch.
If someone gets an email about this they should immediately unsubscribe from that list because whoever is trying to sell them this junk is only after their money.
The are very few places online to learn how to build a real online business. Wealthy Affiliate, which you recommend, is the only legitimate place I know of.
Thanks for your comments GC! I don’t know either, but what I do know is that they are definitely winning and getting away with it too. Whats even worse is the fact that for some reason, Google have moved this review right down the ranks, whilst the scam review websites are sitting firmly at the top. I’m sorry we couldn’t have reached more people but this website is young and Google doesn’t trust young sites as much as old scammer sites! We will have better luck in the future I’m sure.
In answer to your question, there are other places online that you can learn to build an online business but none are more up to date than WA. Its a big problem when you start to make an online business, you need really up to date information or else you are off to a bad start from the beginning. It can mean the difference between success and failure.
Great review Andrew,
Passive Profits eh? Another program for me cross off, thanks for sharing this with us! There have been a lot of binary system scams today and I appreciate you helping the little people like us avoid these programs. Unlike Forex, binary options is completely unpredictable making it a real gamble which is how many scam gurus get away with tons of money. I hope one day they get what they deserve. Beautiful website by the way, I’m definitely dropping by here again soon!
Thanks for the compliment! Yes, definitely cross it off. There are lots of binary options scams that come out almost every day. I knew this one was going to be popular and it certainly turned out that way. This one is currently in the top 5 best sellers at the moment, so the scammers are definitely winning!
Hope to see you here again soon!
Thank you for sharing with us such insights regarding Passive Profits but I believe there are a lot more scammers around.
Wondering if you will provide a list of potential scammers so that it will attract more readers to learn and avoid being cheated.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you,
Hi Stanley, yes you are right, there are certainly a lot more around. To produce a list would take a very long time, but something that I may do in the future. If you have any concerns about a product that you find, please get in touch and I will try to investigate it for you. The list of rip off products is growing every day, stick with out top recommendation if you want to make money online in any way. It will show you everything that you need to know.
Thank you for taking the time to research Passive Profits out for us before we get caught in the spiders web. I have heard of it and I always am guilty of getting excited about new ways to make money online. I think I (and others) hear stuff like you can make $3000 today and your brain stops working suddenly. Its allows your judgement to cloud in hopes that the claims are actually true. The internet world needs more honest people out there so thank you for the fair warning. Are there any programs out there that are good for someone who is somewhat familiar with some of the making money online tactics but needs some additional training?
Thanks for the help,
Hey Anthony, how it going? I’m glad that we found you, sounds like you might have been tempted in by this one. I think people do get over excited and lose control over rational thought when they hear of new ways to make money online, but again this is something that scam artists know all too well.
There is only one system that I can currently recommend that you try and that is with Wealthy Affiliate. Click the link at the top of this page for my recommended training. Or click here for a quick start guide to making money online with WA. If you have had some experience then you should find this very interesting because often you will find that other training systems online are totally out of date. If you follow the training in the quick start guide you will be directed to the totally free training within Wealthy Affiliate.
I think you will very quickly see that in comparison to Passive Profits, WA is very different indeed.
I am surprised with this program and the funny story behind it, it’s quite hilarious. There are so many bad product that promises you riches online it becomes quite sad.
I wonder who’s gonna believe this advertisement and these promises any more, do you know how successful these products are?
I am a blogger and interested in developing my blog which courses or programs do you think are the best?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, unfortunately I do know how popular these products are! The answer is very popular, believe it or not. With a funny story or not, these systems sell and they sell really well. The guys that make these systems make thousands, very quickly. After a couple of weeks they will disappear or rather the marketing of the product will taper off. But then someone else will be there to take over with a new system.
These guys produce and promote each others systems. The marketing behind some of the big launches is huge, with thousands of dollars worth of prizes given away for the top marketers. Affiliates love promoting these binary options systems too because there are no refunds given, so they never lose their commission like in other affiliate programs.
Hello, your site is coming along great. I like the theme that you have. It looks great. You content is easy to read and very informative throughout the entire site. I’m please that you warned us about the Passive Profits software, this might actually help stop people getting involved with this.
You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Patrick, your comments are really appreciated. Fingers crossed that this article eventually reaches the people that its meant for. Unfortunately the spammers are winning at the moment!
Earning profits on “autopilot” is one of the biggest red flags for money-making services. When it comes to trading, there’s no software out there that can put guaranteed profits into your portfolio every week or month without any effort.
The $50,000 per month earnings promise is absolutely absurd as well. Seeing as these guys from Passive Profits seem to have been involved with other scams in the past should set off even more alarm bells. Scams simply don’t last, so these individuals need to continuously create new products or services in order to make money and sustain themselves.
I do believe there are some legitimate services out there to assist individuals in trading and boosting their portfolios, but they’re certainly not automated. The most important aspect of the legitimate services is education, and people who take part in these services need to put the effort in on their end as well. There’s no get-rich-quick schemes out there. In the end, it takes hard work and a willingness to learn to eventually make money trading.
Exactly Matt, its a shame but some people simply can’t help going for the easy option. As you rightly say, if you do your research you can find countless product creators out there that just keep churning out product after product, or should I say scam after scam? But yeah, that’s the whole reason behind it, because the scam only has a lifespan of around one to two weeks when its at its most profitable. After that time there will still be a few people that still manage to get sucked in but the numbers will die off.
There are like you say legitimate ways to learn about binary options trading that are nothing to do with automated software apps. Personally I don’t think Binary trading is a good way to make money online at all, simply because of the huge risks involved. I have spoken with full time traders during the research of other products and even the guys at the top can lose a fortune when they get it wrong. Binary options trading is done best by those that know exactly what they are doing and that can afford to lose the money, should the worst happen.
As you say, there are no get rich quick methods out there that work. In my experience of seeing people fall for these things over and over again, they are way better to channel their time and money into a system that works. The log way around is sometimes not always the quickest or the easiest route, but its often the best route. If you want the best way to move forward, just click here.
Great review and exposure of this definite scam! After reading through the review I have to say that I completely concur with the verdict, which is that Passive Profits is a absolutely pitiful scam that everyone should stay clear of! Thank you for the review and for exposing this scam! 🙂
Hey Johnathan! Thanks for joining us. Really appreciate you comment!
Just wanted to say what an amazing job you have done with the Passive Profits review. If I hear of any more crazy plots within sales pitches I will be in touch. Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing more from this site, its great. What products do you think are the best right now?
Thanks Chris! My best recommendation for making money online can be found at the top of this page.
Hope you can join me again soon.
Wow this is a pretty adventurous marketing ploy – a hacker who stumbled across a loophole because his father was having an affair…
Thanks for covering this opportunity so well – I’m pretty sure a few perspective customers will have second thoughts about taking this on after seeing their sales pitch. Have you used any of their previous products?
Hi Chris, no I haven’t used any of these guys products, not in the past, present and probably not in the future either! As far as the story goes within the sales video, I have seen this kind of thing loads of times! This is all part of scammers school for marketing. The crazy thing is, it works! People buy into the stories and they part with their money in an attempt to get rich. And all because a young boy tells them that he’s stolen a secret piece of software from his dad because he was having an affair!!
Hi Andrew,
wow! what an eye opener. I have to say that I am probably one of those gullible people that believes anything that sounds too good like this – well I used t be.
It frightens me to think how many of these such scams are actually going on.
How do they get away with it?
Hi Paula, yeah its really crazy how many of these products are on the market. Passive Profits is just the tip of the iceberg. It would be great to be able to cover all of the products out there but obviously I can’t do that. And don’t beat yourself up about being “one of those people” because there are lots of people that will be buying into Passive Profits right now.
The way they get away with it is quite simple really. It all comes down to the fact that they are giving the product away for free and they are also warning you about the product too. The software is being given away for free, this is pert of the scam because you can’t get a refund for something that you never paid for in the first place. Also you don’t have a lot of come back on a product that you got for free! The disclaimer at the bottom of these sites normally tells you that you won’t make any money. And also when you sign up with the binary broker, they have their own terms and conditions that work pretty much like a gambling site.
In short… You got the software for nothing, they told you at the bottom of the page that it wouldn’t make any money. And its up to you to see what you are getting into with a binary broker because that’s a completely different company. When things go wrong and you lose your money (which you will) you have nobody to go to because its technically your own fault for not being more careful.
Harsh I know but that’s how they get away with it.
Hello there Andrew, are there a lot of people promoting this Passive profits system?..I saw an ad the other day and I was checking some reviews for this product.
All these products that you mention from those 3 entrepreneurs sound like scams, just by their names.
That headline – “incredibly rich” is awful. Is this just another bad binary options software? I can’t believe that these crappy advertisements still exist.
Do you think that people in general, now that they are better informed, can identify such traps?
What is the future of marketing?
This is an honest and detailed review, you broke it down to the ground!
Hi, yes there will be tons of people promoting the Passive Profits software! I’m not surprised that you have seen an ad for it, there will be a lot more doing the rounds! Although some of us look upon these ads as being a bit crappy as you put it but they still work and these people are still making a lot of money. But at the end of the day that’s why I’m here doing this to try and help a few people and direct them to a decent way of making money online rather than being worse off that they were previously.
Do I think that people are better informed now about this sort of thing? No, not really. People tend to look for solutions and if they search for something a lot of people will presume that because its at the top of Google, then it must be ok. As I have proved within this review, this really isn’t the case.
The future of marketing? Erm… Well that’s a really big question. Marketing online will only get bigger as time goes on and the internet expands. We are purchasing more and more online so products are going to continue to marketed to their relevant audience. However I do think that Google will certainly continue to evolve and the way that we market products online will depend on Googles next changes.
I hope that goes somewhere near to answering your questions.
Good review for the Passive Profits product! Lots of scams out there, and making money online is something everybody is seeming to want to do, are they willing though? It may seems like fantasy talk, especially when you compare the real ways of making money to the likes of Passive Profits, but it is possible! Avoiding scams and avoiding fake “get rich quick” programs is a key first step in actually achieving your goals.
Hi, yes making money online is very popular and something that a lot of people would like the solution to. Unfortunately that’s exactly the type of people scams like Passive Profits are targeting. Its those people who are led to believe that there is a simple and easy way to get rich over night using a simple system that takes no work to set up, that get scammed. Yes it is possible to make money online but not like this!
The real long term methods of earning money on the net involve gaining a little knowledge and then doing a bit of work to put everything into place. Only then can you reap the rewards of working on the internet, but its really worth it.
You mention avoiding get rich quick programs and I think you are right in what you are saying but I also think its important for people to understand how these get rich quick systems work and why its not a good idea to get involved with them.
Thanks for your comments!
Hey Andrew, thanks for making us aware of Passive Profits. As expected, another scam just like the other 99% of them out there. It’s amazing how these scams keep turning up! Even in cases where it is not really a scam, they are always exaggerating that their software or system will change your life. Seems like Passive Profits goes really over the top though!
I myself, keep getting daily emails from places like JVZoo with yet another daily pick guaranteed to make you rich. And although some of those tools can be useful, they always over promise.
Hi Jugen, thanks for joining the conversation. Its true there are lots of scams out there, I don’t know the exact percentage but I’m sure its very high. Sales pitches in general are designed to make products sound amazing, its how things have been sold, since forever! But I think its taking things a bit too far when you blatantly take someone else’s money knowing that they will get less than nothing back in return.
I’m always willing to take a look at even JVZoo products, because at the end of the day, it was products like those that have slowly given me the knowledge that I have today. Not that I am saying go out and purchase those kinds of products. I’m just saying that unlike the Passive Profits system that is a total scam, so long as you can gain some knowledge from a product then I look upon it as an advantage. However you are right in what you say, most of the products on JVZoo do tend to over sell themselves quite severely!
Oh dear… I’m so glad I found this site, I was really hopeful about the passive profits system 🙁
It’s great that you have been able to do so much in-depth research to expose the truth on these three guys! I guess I have to keep searching for a business model I can actually use.
Have you found a system that ISN’T a scam?
Hi, I’m sorry if you were hoping that Passive Profits was going to be something great but I’m afraid I can verify 100% that it is a scam. There are currently just a handful of systems on the net that I can say are worth taking a look at. If you really want a good business model then take a look at my quick start guide at the top of this website or the recommended link, also located at the top of this site. These links will give you all the information that you need to get started within a real ethical online business. What business you create from that information is up to you, but unlike Passive Profits, you can start at absolutely zero cost.
I wish you the best! Oh and if this review has helped you, please pass it on and share it if you are on any social media sites, like Facebook or Twitter. We need to reach as many people as possible to warn them about this.
Good luck with your future ventures!
Hi Andrew! Great review of yet another money machine! For the owners of course.
I find it amazing how these people can suck people’s money and still live life as usual, as if the internet as a lawless land.
It is great to see the terms and conditions… it is almost completely opposite to what they are saying. They will say that the video is not made of real actors, they cannot guarantee you any money and that it is totally up to you to take the risks.
Good, now, if a person loses money, it is all their problem. As if the a robber said to his victim, “you were walking on these streets because you wanted”, the roads are not safe! I told you that!”
Anyway, thank God there are honest reviews like yours to open people’s eyes!
Hi Stefan, yeah Passive Profits is certainly a money making machine for the product creators! The internet is a bit of a lawless land really Stephan, these scams get away with it time after time. Its always a good idea to check the terms and conditions within this kind of thing as its quite normal to find that they do state the complete opposite of what they say within the sales video.
Hope to see you again soon Stephan, take care and stay safe!
Wow! Great site. Very extensive. How long have you been developing this site …
One could get lost for years in all the information you provide.
How did you come across Passive Profits? How did you gain all this knowledge? I would love to know how you became so well informed about this …
Hi, thanks for you comments on this review, I really appreciate your interest. Believe it or not as of the time that I am writing this, the website is less than 2 months old. I owned the domain name previously to building this site and I have built quite a few websites in the past, check out my about me page to get more info. The Make Money Online Zone is my main home now and I am completely concentrating my efforts now on helping others with the knowledge that I have built up over the years of doing this.
How do I get my information? Well, I have a real passion for internet marketing and I live and breath this site and the people that visit it. I have built up quite a few contacts over the years that I can contact for information. But I mainly pass on information from actual experience. Believe it or not I have spent a small fortune on scams just like Passive Profits to gain the information that I have today. As time goes on, you gradually get to know the systems and the people that create them. Once a product creator finds a winning formula they often just rinse and repeat the same process under a different product name, with different graphics!
As for getting lost in the information that I have provided, I hope you do. And I hope to see you here again soon!
All the best,
Yet another internet scam has surfaced I see. You know I’m actually getting tired of these binary options scams. It’s products like these that cause people to be weary of making money online and investment opportunities.
Thank you for sharing; I hope others see this review as well and stay away.
Spot on Diana with your comment there! You are quite right, it is scams like this that give the whole industry a really bad name. There are scams like this surfacing all the time and unfortunately its not going to get any better, any time soon. That’s why there are a tiny minority of us that are trying to help those people that are about to be scammed, by showing them the real way to build a business online.
Thanks Diana!
Hi Andrew!
I truly loved the way you described why “Passive Profits” is a scam everyone should avoid. You have done an amazing job giving detailed information on an honest way of making money online. Likewise, I really hope people will look into this binary company and truly differentiate between an honest opportunity and a mere hype. Once again, great job Andrew!
Thanks David. I think its really important for people to understand why these scams exist, how they work and what to look out for in the future. Its really easy to look at an offer and listen to what a sales video tells and then make a split second decision that you might regret later on. I have done it myself, you take something at face value, jump in feet first and then find out that you’ve been had. To be honest its done me a favor because its got me into a position now where i’m writing about it!
Anyway, what I’m saying is sometimes we expect offers online to at least be partly true and a lot of people can be too trusting. We listen to someone telling us that we are going to be rich and we believe them, even though right under our nose at the bottom of the page in tiny writing it states that the average person does not make any money with this system.
I hope that people find this review of Passive Profits and I hope it leads them to Wealthy Affiliate and the support of myself and the community. That way at least something good can then come from these scams.
Hey Andrew, You have done a great job of exposing this scam. It is amazing how these people can get so highly ranked and get away with conning others out of their money. You would think that the authorities would look into these sites. Thank you for exposing this one to the public.
Hello, that you so much for your comment. I totally agree with you there should be some kind of measures taken against scams like this. But right now this internet is still a bit of a free for all. I guess in a few years time we might look back and see these times as being the wild west days of the internet where scammers could make a few grand withing a day or two and then repeat the whole process the following week.
As far as I understand Google is taking some steps to targeting sites that is doesn’t trust, mainly the ones that are known for promoting scams. Google also takes it into account when website owners link to sites that are known for their unethical behavior. However in this case, there was a site ranked in Google at no.1 that was quite clearly linking out to a scam. Whats worse in my opinion is the fact that the writers of the review had put in hardly any effort what so ever and had just written the same spiel that was quoted in the sales video. The only difference was that the writer of this Passive Profit review threw in a bit more extra BS, just for good measure!
Hi Andrew, Great review! It makes me sad and angry at the same time, that people can be so deceptive. Passive Profits, seriously!!! Red flag #1 get rich quick. Red flag #2 hurry, hurry. Thank you for bringing these scam artist to light! I can certainly vouch for Wealthy Affiliate as being an honest opportunity for those looking to make money online. I’m pleased that you are trying to help these people by showing them the way to an honest and ethical way of making money.
Hello Suzette! Thanks for taking the time to write a comment on this review, really appreciate it. Yeah, these are really nasty scams that take a lot of money from people each and every day. You are quite right, it is sad. There are a lot of red flags within this system, but unfortunately sometimes they just aren’t seen by the people being affected by them. Thanks for your mention of Wealthy Affiliate too, I hope that one or two of the people being sucked in by this scam can be shown the way to making a real income online. Fingers crossed that I will be able to reach a few of them! Speak to you soon Suzette! Take care…
Wait I can make 50,000 a month minimum???!!! Ya right. Nice review. I hope people come to this page and read it before they get sucked in.
Hi Kyle, I hope that they do too but I fear that won’t be the case today! I just checked Google and there is a load of fake reviews out there for this system. I have just written a Passive Profits Review Update to show the current No.1 that will be fooling people into this scam. I have no doubt that Google will change the positions as the days go on. But it really goes to show how people get scammed with these binary options scams.
Great information! It’s crazy how people take all these different angles and scam people to make tons of money. I could never live with myself if I was scamming people out of their money, not a good way to make a living. I’ve been try to learn more and more about all the online programs/scams out there. Your site will be a great resource to refer to. Thanks!
Hi Luke, thanks for your kind words, its much appreciated! I know what you are saying, we are normal people that have feelings for others, that’s why scamming people out of their money seems like such an alien thing for us to do. Its unfortunate that some people really don’t care where the money comes from, just so long as it comes from somewhere! If you want to learn more about internet marketing, how I deal with scams or anything like that Luke, just get in touch. I’m pleased that you are finding my site helpful to you.
Your site is really coming along Andrew. I love the clean polished look. This is another great review by you on another scam permeating the internet these days. I can’t believe people still pay up these exhorbitant sums of money to these scam artists. Thanks again for exposing them. Really well done!
Hello Peter, thank you for your comments. I know, this is one of many at the moment, the internet is full of them and there are more coming onto the market every day. People are paying up because they are desperate for an answer to their problems. Unfortunately it doesn’t help, the fact that there are now loads of reviews in Google right now, all saying that this software is fantastic. The problem is, people receive a promotional email and then look for a review online to back up what the email says, in this case the reviews are going to show that this software will definitely make you fifty grand in a month! I know to most of us that sounds ridiculous but people that are in a totally desperate situation are willing to believe that it might just be possible, I think it gives them a bit of hope. The goal here on this site is to redirect those people to something that they don’t need to pay for and that can hopefully help them out genuinely. Thanks for stopping by Peter!
Hi Andrew!
OMG could Passive Profits be any more of a scam!! Wow, my jaw just kept dropping. I agree with you that this Nathan Birch does not seem legit whatsoever. 19 yrs old and he has found the fountain of wealth? Hmm a bit doubtful….And the fact that you need to invest in whatever to begin with is just pure scam. You should not have to invest in anything. You should just receive the training that is necessary to make money. But come on, $50 000 a month? Yes it is possible but unlikely.
Hello Emily! Thanks for dropping by and reading my Passive Profits Review. Yeah this system is a massive scam and for the majority of us I can see how this would be “jaw dropping”, but in actual fact this is just one of many. There are so many of the scams out there right now that its really hard to keep up with them. Most of the systems use almost the same set up too, its like a template for scammers. The scams keep coming though because the creators are making tons of money doing it.
I have just written an update to the review because I just found that Google has ranked a review at No.1 that really “sells the dream”, they reviewers of these systems are of course simply trying to make money online, but at the expense of selling a total scam? Is that really the way to build a business? Unfortunately Google can’t tell who’s telling the truth and who isn’t so its not really their fault, but really annoying never the less. As for the $50,000 what can I say, its never going to happen, in fact it couldn’t be more the opposite of what will happen when the public get involved with this software.
Hello there, Great site Andrew. I learned so much here on this site, love it. I’m really pleased that I know about Passive Profits now, I don’t think that I will be paying $250 to trade with. They can keep their software, thank you! Keep up the good work. 😀
Hi, glad to hear that you are enjoying my site and I’m pleased to help. Good to hear that the word is getting out there about this fake system too! You hang on to your $250! I just hope that my message can get through to a few more people so that they can avoid the passive profits scam. Thanks for joining me today Norstad and thanks for your comments!
Thanks for this honest and authentic review. So many people out there looking for reviews are finding paid promotions in the form of ‘reviews’ to trick the masses into trying there products. The one way to tell if someone is telling the truth is by just recognizing the value in the information and opportunities they provide. I love that you are offering the same folks looking to review this terrible product an opportunity to sign up with a company that does exactly what they promise. I myself signed up and have never been happier! They’ve taught me tons so far, and I am sure there’s tons to go, but I am building something real and tangible. Thanks again!
Thank you Tommy! I’m really glad that you have had a good experience. Its my aim with this website to stand out of the crowd by offering the genuine truth about the products on the market. If a good product or system is launched onto the market then I will tell people why its so good. If I find a really bad product or a total scam, then I will tell people why its a scam and then show them the best solution and the best way to make money online.
Yeah, my recommended training within Wealthy Affiliate is very different, in fact worlds apart from the Passive Profits software. I’m so pleased to hear that you are building a genuine business. I look forward to seeing your progress. Don’t hesitate to contact me in WA if you wan’t any help or just want to chat.
Speak to you soon Tommy!