Welcome to my 12 Minute Payday Review! I think this review may take me a little longer than 12 minutes to write, so the question is should I really be putting my efforts into using the 12 Minute system instead?
Well, actually no, it turns out that this system isn’t all that great. That’s right, no beating about the bush with this review! I’m going to give you the good, the bad and the even worse news about 12 Minute Payday. Plus we even have a bit of an update at the end of this article for you too.
It seems that some scams don’t just go away over time, they simply get re-invented!
Table of Contents
The Truth About The 12 Minute Payday Scam
First of all, if you are interested in this product then you definitely did the right thing in doing your research first. You may have received an email or seen the marketing efforts online for this product.
Please do not part with any of your money until you have had chance to educate yourself first thought. Hi, my name is Andrew and I am the writer of Make Money Online Zone, I have been in this business for many years. The goal of this site is to give you the facts and I hope that we can reach the people that really need this information.
What Is 12 Minute Payday?
12 Minute Payday is an online marketing system that is designed to supposedly make you money online. In the sales video we learn how the creator of the system will give you $2000 if you fail to make money online with this system.
This of course is just the beginning of a long string of lies, hype and deception. Believe me when I tell you that you will never, ever see that $2000!
Another Cheap Scam?
12 Minute Payday is a cheap version of a system that has been used by internet marketers for years. This method really does work if set up correctly and run as a business. However this product is simply over priced, over hyped and under delivers in every aspect.
12 Minute Payday will leave you out of pocket and feeling scammed. This is a membership program that according to the sales video, requires no hosting or website in order to participate. That’s because what you actually receive with the membership is 15 squeeze pages, also known as landing pages, all hosted by the creators of the system.
Sounds good so far right?
The sales video also makes a bold statement saying that they guarantee to change your financial situation, however they then change their mind within their site disclaimer.
Here we see that 12 Minute Payday guarantee to change our current financial situation.
And here we see a brief description of what the system is and that in fact there are no guarantees after all!
In fact according to this: The Typical Purchaser does not make ANY MONEY using this system!
Are you feeling a little suspicious yet? Feeling that perhaps this method of making money online might not live up to all the hype that is currently surrounding it? Well it gets better…
An Affiliate Rip Off?
And its not just the average purchaser that’s being scammed here either! 12 Minute Payday is currently being sold through the Clicksure marketplace. But yet when we get to the payment page (using a Clicksure affiliate link) we are directed to a Clickbetter payment page. This is another affiliate network, for those of you who are unaware. This could be a completely innocent error, or it could also mean that affiliates promoting this product are being scammed out of their commission.
None of what I am seeing here fill me with any confidence.
What’s In The Members Area?
So lets get an overall summary of this product. Inside the members area you get 15 landing pages that are all hosted for you. The idea of these landing pages or lead capture pages as they are sometimes called is to create an email subscriber list.
The 12 Minute payday method involves driving traffic to these landing pages in order to capture as many email addresses as possible. Once you have a substantial email list, the idea is then you send promotional emails that should convert into profit. It sounds easy and that’s exactly what these guys want you to think!
Missing Something?
There is a problem with 12 Minute payday and it basically comes down to a lack of training. The 12 Minute payday training only contains part of what you actually need to really be successful with this method. The system simply shows you how you can set up a squeeze page, send traffic to it and store email addresses for further use later on.
Once you have the email addresses, you are then encouraged to promote various products through old affiliate marketing methods. Truth is, this method isn’t as easy as these guys would have you believe. Whats worse is the fact that this same money making system has been re-created time and time again under many different names.
The truth is, 12 Minute Payday is just a cheap way for the creators to cash in. Sadly many people have fallen for this.
My Advice… Don’t Buy It!
The method of building an email address list of customers that you can market to is a good business idea. But this technique is only a small part of what your online business should be. Ask yourself this. If you had an email list of 100 people that were interested in a particular niche, do you think they would buy from you if you were constantly sending out promotional emails?
What do you do when you get a spammy email offering you the latest get rich quick scheme? Most of us just hit the delete button! And that is what you are learning with 12 Minute Payday.
The methods promoted here in 12 minute payday are old and out of date. This is the same system that has been kicked around the internet for years, it keeps coming back under a different name and inexperienced people keep on buying it.
I think the disclaimer at the bottom of the 12 Minute Payday said it all: “The typical person does not make any money at all using this system.” I would bare that in mind and stay well clear!
Update To The 12 Minute Payday Review
I just wanted to give you guys a quick update to the 12 Minute Payday Review. Since writing this review in 2015, it would seen that this system is still going strong! The creators of this program are still producing money making systems, using the same formula. We have just written a review for a product called My Commission Generator.
After doing some investigation work, it would seem that there are some connections between My Commission Generator and 12 Minute Payday. After looking into My Commission Generator further it would seem that not only has it been produced by the same people, but it actually looks like the very same system!
Where as 12 Minute Payday gave you 15 landing pages, My Commission Generator only gives you 5! However, MCG encourages you to purchase more pages within their up-sells.
Has the training got any better? Can we expect to make any real money with the new version of this method? Well why not head over and read our full My Commission Generator review to get the facts.
A Legit Way Of Making Money Online?
Are you are still searching for a way to earn an income on the internet? If so then you will be interested to know that we highly recommend a service that you can try out at no cost. This isn’t a free trial either. What I’m offering you here is completely free training and my personal assistance with your online venture.
If you are interested in learning more, click here to learn how I make money online.
Thank you for reading my 12 Minute Payday review! If you have any other systems that you would like us to look at then please get in touch. I will always try to give the best advice possible and will try to review any systems that you put forward.
Just get in touch with your comments, queries or requests in the section below. I’ll get right back to you asap!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have fallen for so many of these schemes over the years, and you have saved me a lot of time and trouble with this review. I would much rather hear the bad news from you than have to have the bad experience for myself. I think I’m slowly but surely getting cured of my Shiny Object Syndrome, thanks to reviewers like you. And thank you for directing my attention to the fine print and away from the hype. My best wishes to you.
My pleasure Lynn. If you want a legitimate way to make money online, join me in Wealthy Affiliate. It can take some time to get over that shiny object syndrome, we’ve all been there!
Thanks for your comments.