Table of Contents
Here’s my story and how you can benefit from it!

Hello, my name is Andrew and I have been using methods to make money online since 2008. My grades weren’t brilliant after leaving school and I didn’t go to college or university. I don’t have a degree in computer science or any qualifications in online marketing. I left school and started working jobs that I eventually hated, resenting the fact that I was making someone else very rich!
Eventually I came up with the idea of starting my own business and making money online in some way. There was certainly no shortage of information online, so I started researching. Little did I know the task that lay ahead of me! Unfortunately I found nothing but lies, misinformation and outright scams. Like many people, I wasted a lot of money on systems and scams that simply didn’t work.
If you want to make money online – Never quit!
Luckily, I didn’t give up and eventually found an online mentor that guided to the secret that I had been looking for. The idea of working from home and becoming rich was extremely appealing to me. So I put all my effort into making it work and made a good income. I considered myself as one of the very few, fortunate people that managed to successfully make money online… That was until 2011!
In 2011 my online money making venture came to an abrupt end when Google started to introduce new changes to the way the search engine worked. The methods that I had been taught suddenly became very unethical in the eyes of Google and no longer worked. I was right back to square one.
Starting again, using ethical methods
It was at that point that myself and a few successful online entrepreneurs decided that we needed to start working with Google, rather than against it. The answer was actually staring us right in the face all the time and was incredibly simple.
Whilst other people failed over and over again, using old and outdated systems in an attempt to make money online, we were using a really simple techniques that worked every time! Fast forward to today and unfortunately those old, outdated methods still exist and they are still being taught online. Combined with a never ending list of money making scams and you have the perfect recipe for a lot of frustrated people! Meanwhile, our simple and ethical approach still continues to work today, better than ever in fact.
Today I want to offer you the chance to learn the very same, completely genuine and ethical way to make money online. The same techniques that took me from zero to over $4000 per month in under one year of starting again.
Earning disclaimer: The following screenshots are genuine earnings that I have personally made online. However, due to the nature of making money on the internet we can not guarantee similar results.

The best part is that it won’t cost you a penny to learn how this is done! You can get started right away and all it will cost you is a little time.
Heard it all before right? So what’s the catch?
You may well be quite suspicious right now, especially when I tell you that you can learn how to make money online for free. You might be looking for the catch? But I would like to assure you that you are in the right place at exactly the right time if you want to succeed online. I would like to introduce you to the internet’s No.1 recourse for budding entrepreneurs, just like you. This is the same website that is responsible for my current success as well as countless other people.
It’s called Wealthy Affiliate.
You get out whatever you put in!
This website offers a completely free, lifetime membership to anyone that is interested in learning how money is made online. There are several things that separate this website from any of the others you may have tried. For a start, there are no guarantees of overnight riches or any of the usual hype that you might be expecting.
Instead, you get out of Wealthy Affiliate exactly what you put in. If you can put in the effort, Wealthy Affiliate will help you to achieve your financial goals. Yes, the methods here do require time and effort. If you are not prepared to learn and take action, then you are in the wrong place! In addition to the training you also get full access to me and the Wealthy Affiliate community where you can ask anything you like.
How do I make money online?
Wondering exactly how you make money online? Well, the process is actually very simple, once you understand how and why these techniques work. At Wealthy Affiliate we help people by supplying the search engines with information that individuals are looking for. The internet is a huge place and opportunities to make money online open up every single day. We follow a simple process…

As you can see, its not rocket science!
Making money online isn’t rocket science but it does take time to learn and implement. Wealthy Affiliate offer a free beginners membership, training and 2 free websites to get you started. I will personally guide you with additional help, training and support too. Those websites and the membership are yours for life. You can start earning money online at zero cost and then scale up later if you wish.
Wealthy Affiliate also has a premium version where you can start to scale up your online business should you wish to. This is only an option, but gives you an opportunity to start earning money online at no cost to you. You can then re-invest your money into scaling up your business, just like I did.

Join Me And Some Of The Internets Best Entrepreneurs
If you are ready to learn how to make money online, then I’m ready to help you. Simply click the link below to learn more and to get started with your free membership.
Hi there. Thank you for giving us this information, I didn’t know how affiliate marketing worked until I found your website. I recently tried using a service called “Rewardo (.me)”, You can earn points and then get free stuff with them. The way I intend to make money online is to then sell all the free stuff that I get. Anyway, I think I am also going to try joining you at Wealthy Affiliate too. Will you help me get started?
Hi there Carry! You should really be careful when dealing with reward systems like this. Although I have not had personal experience of dealing with the website that you mention here, I know a lot are scams. There are tons of these websites online that claim to offer free stuff in exchange for small jobs. Taking surveys and completing offers is never the ticket to making lots of money or getting high quality goods in my experience. We have heard from lots of people that have been scammed or have simply wasted their time on this sort of thing. If you have already had success with this method then good luck to you! However, if you are yet to see any benefit of doing work with “Rewardo” then I would be very careful who you are getting involved with and what you are signing up to. A lot of these websites will have you sign up to a lot of “paid” promotions where you think you are signing up to a free offer, but in actual fact many of them charge monthly fees.
You can join Wealthy Affiliate at zero cost so you can check it out and see what its all about. I will be there to guide you and yes I will give you one to one help. This offer is open to anyone that joins Wealthy Affiliate via this website. The one to one training is only open for the first week of your free membership, so make the most of it! You can stay a free member for as long as you like and then upgrade later if you choose to up your game. In my opinion Wealthy Affiliate is a much safer bet than getting involved with Rewardo.
Take care,
I don’t quite understand how money is made with WA. From what I’ve been reading, it seems as though you sign people up to pay the fees for being a member and then they are expected to do the same. Is it affiliate marketing or multi-level marketing?
Hi there Peggy. No you have got the idea of Wealthy Affiliate totally wrong. There are basically 2 main training courses within the site. These courses are the starting point for everyone. The first course teaches you affiliate marketing, how to build a website, SEO, how to get traffic and that sort of thing. The idea of the first course is to base your online business on a hobby, a passion or an interest that you might have. The second course is for those people who don’t really have a direction or an interest. So the second course teaches how to promote an online program like Wealthy Affiliate.
I have no problem in promoting these guys, I’m in the members area helping people every day because I know its a quality product and a brilliant starting point for most people.
Feel free to ask anything else that you might want to know.
Thank you for the quick response Andrew. I’ve been checking it out a bit recently…and I have plenty of hobbies. How many websites can one person have? What is the cost of each?
TIA, Peggy
Hi there Peggy. Nice to speak with you again. In answer to your question, there are two membership types with Wealthy Affiliate. First of all you have the free membership. This gives you 2 completely free websites that are yours for life, so long as you keep them updated. Then there is the premium membership. With premium you can have up to 50 websites under the same account. For a dot com or dot net domain name the average price is around $16 for the year.
Personally, I would recommend choosing a niche that you are very fond of and building a single website around that subject until you start making money. Many people jump right into trying to make several sites all at once, which is too much to deal with. My advice would be to try the free membership and get a free website up and running. That way you’ll be able to tell if its for you or not.
There’s no pressure to upgrade or to buy any extras. I think you’ll be quite surprised at just how much you get with the free membership. Take a look at my Wealthy Affiliate review by clicking here to see my in-depth report on the features inside the members area.
Let me know if you have any further questions. I’d be pleased to help.
I am interested, lol I just saw the video for ez money, and being scammed by the Orion Code. With a current police complaint and intent to prosecute. I have been trusting of online programs since, but then I joined up with MCA, Motor Club of America, and I saw you column and wondered if this would help me with that as well, I just sell memberships, its just like AAA, but with a bit more to the membership, so this is where I’m at, please enlighten me, thanks again.
Hi there Faith. Thank you for asking your question. First of all I’m really sorry to hear that you have been scammed in the past. If its any consolation, I think most people looking for a way to make money online have been scammed at some point, and that includes myself! Let me assure you that what I’m about to explain is definitely not a scam and I want to be as transparent with it as possible.
The training that I recommend with Wealthy Affiliate can most definitely help you. I just had a look at your Weebly website and the company that you are wanting to promote. It’s great that you have built a website and are actually doing something to build an online business. You would need to build your site from scratch with Wealthy Affiliate, but I will be there to assist you, should you need it.
The training that I recommend will take you through the process of building a profitable website. The process is quite simple but very powerful. You would build a main page, very similar to the one that you have built on your Weebly site. Then we will find low competition keywords that we can target within your “niche”. You will build additional pages, each targeting a specific keyword or phrase that will drive “buyer traffic” to your sales page.
This method can be used to make money within any subject, interest or niche that you choose.
If you are interested, you can try out the Wealthy Affiliate beginners training for free. I would recommend that you upgrade to premium and get your own domain name as it looks more professional and it will get better results too. Feel free to ask any further questions, I will always answer as quickly as possible.
If you are interested in joining, I also offer some bonus training and direct support within Wealthy Affiliate. And if you decide to upgrade you can also get a Wealthy Affiliate discount too.
I look forward to speaking with you again soon.
Wow I really enjoyed reading your story here. Most of the work at home programs that I have came across were so bogus and would have promises of huge wealth. I’m thankful that I found this opportunity and I already know that this is totally legit. I have to say if I was not already a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you would have me sold. I am still a newbie and really enjoy what I do. Would be great to connect with you in WA!
Thank you Trisha! That was one of he first things that I noticed about Wealthy Affiliate too. There are no promises of amazing wealth, and no crazy loopholes that are going to make you a millionaire. Instead, WA gives you the training and the tools to build a business where you can write your own paycheck.
It’s impossible to predict how much anyone will ever make with an online business as there are too many deciding factors. However, what is clear is the fact that this free training has helped hundreds of people to find success online.
Feel free to connect with me inside WA. I have some additional free training that you might find helpful as you progress.
Speak to you soon,
Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best training I’ve seen to date. Yes, it’s great that you can make money with the free websites and training you receive. But when you see how much more you can get by being a premium member, it’s a no brainer. For me, the community is a great asset to have. Not only are you getting help from the training, but the members themselves are a great source to get help from, because like you, they are doing it. It’s not theory, it’s proven.
I couldn’t have said it better myself Andres! The WA community, coupled with excellent training is what sets this apart from anything else online. The community is amazing and has some of the friendliest entrepreneurs you could ever wish to meet! I love helping people to achieve success within Wealthy Affiliate and WA gives me the power to do that. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I can certainly give people my knowledge and experience. When I don’t have the answer, I can always call upon another expert inside WA! The wealth of knowledge in there is astounding!
And yes you are quite right about the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate premium. The premium membership has by far more value than anything else online. Although for those people who aren’t yet sure about this opportunity or that just want to give it a try, the free membership is amazing! The free membership alone holds far more value than a lot of the high priced alternatives (if you can call them alternatives!).
I know what you mean about your methods no longer working when Google changed its algorithm. In 2012 I was employed by a company to do SEO for various clients. The clients would pay our company, then I would outsource the backlinks to various people I found on Blackhat sites. It actually worked very well, then suddenly Google changed its algorithm and our clients’ sites dropped in the rankings. We lost clients, I lost my job, and I actually gave up on internet marketing for about 2.5 years.
So it really is much better to try to avoid any sneaky SEO tactics. Google will catch onto them eventually. Apparently, some backlinking techniques do still work, but you have to be very careful. Personally, I would rather not risk it.
Hello Marcus! Thank you very much for telling us your story. I know there were a lot of people that were affected by these changes. We now know that these techniques were classed as “sneaky” but back then it was just seen as something that you had to do. If you weren’t building lots of backlinks back then, you wouldn’t rank and you certainly wouldn’t get any visitors or sales! At the time, it was a massive thing when Google changed the algorithm, millions of sites just disappeared over night. I’m sorry to hear that you lost your job because of it.
Looking back, I used to hate building backlinks! It was a process that took way longer than actually building the main website. At the time it was a big blow, losing all my sites and the income that they generated. But looking back there were tons of really low quality websites that ranked for top keywords. I think it was a good change, although its taken a good while to recover from it.
I agree with what you say about avoiding SEO tactics that might get you into trouble. I totally avoid anything to do with link building, backlink pyramids or anything like it. And I also tell others to do the same. I am aware that there are some people that swear by certain backlinking techniques, but I prefer to stay well away! Like yourself, I’m only too aware of what can happen when you get involved wit this sort of thing.
Hi Andrew,
as a member of Wealthy Affiliate I can confirm this is the best online learning platform out there. We’ve talked about your success in an interview for my site PowerfulAffs and I recommend it to anyone. It’s truly inspiring, in particular for newbies.
It’s all about maintaining laser sharp focus and patience. Affiliate marketing, unlike other quick-rich schemes, does take time, but once you build enough high-quality content people start coming your way. Eventually, traffic converts to commissions and you earn your first $, then the second $ and so on.
One has to be aware, though, that patience and hard work are a must in this business. Money doesn’t come into your bank account on an auto-pilot.
Hello Sinisa, what a pleasure it is to see a fellow blogger like yourself on here! For those of you who might be wondering, Sinisa runs a blog called PowerfulAffs and he interviewed me some time ago. That seems like a very long time ago now, how time goes by! Anyway, thank you for your thoughts here.
You are quite right, I cant emphasize enough to people that starting an online business takes focus and dedication. The process isn’t hard, in fact I would say with some certainty that I could train absolutely anyone to do the same things that I do to make money online. However, the big difference is in maintaining a constant level of work throughout. As you know, the system within WA also helps you to keep track of that too.
Your final points here are also spot on and something that we have been over a few times here on the Make Money Online Zone. Patience and hard work go hand in hand when it comes to affiliate marketing. Once you have everything in place, you will eventually start making money and that income will only grow the more you stick to the plan!
Thanks again for joining me here, good to hear from you!
Hey Andrew,
I joined WA just over one month ago. I started as free member, immediately set up my account and by the end of the day decided to go Premium.
I have been a part of a few other online business/marketing communities and have been earning a full time income through coaching over the Internet and phone for the past few years.
After just one month at WA I decided to go yearly premium when it was time to renew. I have been very active in the community. As of today, I am ranked at 120 in the WA community. I have blogged about the process almost daily and I am working hard to meet my goals.
For me, the community is fantastic. I do wish I had signed up through someone like yourself. I think it woud be incredibly helpful to have a mentor who is already achieving success through the methods taught in the WA community.
Thank you for a thorough and thoughtful review and for putting this information out there for others. It is clear you are a giver and I appreciate your effort in the WA community.
Hello Joy! Thank you for posting your comments, I very much appreciate your very kind words. I’m really pleased that you are enjoying the benefits of WA. My story is very much like yours in terms of joining Wealthy Affiliate. I had been building websites using very similar techniques to those taught in WA for a couple of years, as well as being a member of other communities. After trying Wealthy Affiliate for a short time, I decided to join the yearly membership and have absolutely no regrets. WA gives me a great way to communicate and share what I have learned over the years. Plus I really enjoy helping others move forward online.
I have seen you in the WA community and I also see that you are very focused and active. I have told many people that the way to succeed is to learn and take action. If you stay focused and keep moving forward, even if its only a tiny bit at a time, you will reach your goal!
The best of success to you!
Thanks Andrew! Excellent advice!
Hello Joy! No problem, I’m pleased that you found this helpful. Just get in touch if you need anything.
Have a great day,
Hi Andrew,
First of all, thanks for sharing this wonderful article.
your online money making the journey is fascinating and inspiring. This article is pushing us to work continue(don’t give up) until to get success.
You recommending wealthy affiliate training program is very helpful for those who start internet marketing career. I can vouch for this training as I too have joined you.
Thanks again for motivating me… I look forward to working with you soon!
Hi there! Thank you for that. I’m pleased that you found this motivational and I look forward to working with you too. You picked up on a really important part of this article, something that I was only talking about today with another member. Its a fact that the majority of people that attempt to start an online business, actually quit before they see any real results. Why is this? Well I believe its very much down to the constant adverts that we see plastered all over the place telling us how easy it is to make money online.
The fact is, its really not as easy to make money on the internet as some people would have you believe. The aim here is to be as transparent as possible. Making money online does not happen with the flick of a switch or the press of a button. I wish it did!
The truth of the matter is that making an income online will take time to learn and then a bit more time to apply. There are lots of elements that are not hard to do, but take a little time and effort to put into place. It’s during this time that a lot of people just simply give up, because they can’t be bothered or didn’t realize they actually had to do something!
Anyway, the important message here is, do not quit!
Thanks again, I’ll speak to you inside!
After being a member of Wealthy Affiliate for 18 months, I’m convinced anyone who an operate a PC can make money online.
Like you mentioned, you only way to fail is if you quit.
The methods and strategies Wealthy Affiliate teaches are proven and the best chance anyone has to be financially independent.
It’s important to know that it takes time to build an online business. It could be months before money starts coming in, but it will come in if you follow the Wealthy Affiliate training and take action.
Hello Gary! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You are right in everything that you say here. Creating an online business takes time and effort, but is so worth it! It takes time to learn how to build an online business and then it will be an ongoing process of building and getting bigger and bigger as time time goes by. There is no such thing as getting rich quick on the internet. By the way if anyone does know of a legitimate way to make thousands of dollars over night, I would love to hear from you!
But seriously… You are right, this is the best way to build something amazing online and profit from something that you enjoy. Things have gotten a lot easier in terms of building a website and creating content, so yes what you say about anyone being able to do this is quite right. The main thing that people need to succeed online is the time and dedication to make it happen.
For those of you that think you can make money online with a few clicks of the mouse and then sitting back and waiting (as some of the gurus tell us). It’s just never going to happen. The quicker those people come to realize that this really is their best chance of success the better.
I have seen your website with WA Gary and I can see that you are doing very well with the training. So thank you for taking the time to read my article on here today. I wish you continued success!
I had big expectations when starting in Wealthy Affiliate. There was a lot of hype around it. I thought that I could be able to earn $500‚/month incomes in one year but now after 14 months I’m still earning zero/month. Still, my hope is that after one year I could earn something for example $100/month. I have heard that eventually my work will pay off. I am willing to work and continue putting efforts because I don’t want to quit.
Hi there. Thank you for getting in touch with me, you have done the right thing in reaching out. Sometimes we all need somebody who is experienced and able to assist us and even the best of us can run into issues. It sounds like you are very dedicated to making this work and I would like to help you. I have been using the techniques taught within this training for many years and I know that they work. The time that you have put into your project tells me that there is something going very wrong with whatever niche you are working on.
If you would like me to assist you then please get in touch via the WA members area and I will take a look at what you have been doing so far.
I can assure you that these methods do work and they will work for you. Drop me a message on my WA profile and I will get right back to you. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi there! Thanks for the review of Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve been a member for about a month now and I love the training given. Even if my first website might not make me a lot of money due to the niche I chose, it’s still a start!
Just wondering, are there any particularly lucrative niches, from your experience? Just looking into what I want my next website to be about. Thanks a lot!
Hi, I’m glad that you are enjoying your experience so far. I like your attitude! You are quite right in what you say. The first website that you make and in fact every website that you create will teach you something new. Even if you try building a couple of free websites, its all experience as you progress and try new things. I’m not sure what niche you are working in but it’s good that you appear to have realized that perhaps you should have chosen something else.
There are no end of lucrative niches out there! I always tell everybody that I train to start with something that you are really passionate about. This could be something that you really enjoy doing in your spare time or even just an interest that you want to learn more about. Either way, you need to ensure that your niche is something that you are not going to get bored of easily. A profitable website isn’t made over night, you need to keep working on it. For that reason you need to choose something that interests you, rather than something that you believe will make the most money.
In saying that, there are a couple of golden rules that never fail to make money online. The first rule is to choose a niche where you can solve problems that people have within your niche. Ask yourself what are people looking for within your niche and what issues do those people experience? If you can offer an opinion or solve that problem with your website, then you can make money from your information.
There are tons of popular niches, but the ones that tend to work the best are those that you can make your own. Take a look at this article on choosing your website niche to get some more ideas.
Feel free to contact me on my WA profile page within the members area and I will help you further.
Have a great day!
Hi Andrew, just came across your article. There are a lots of articles saying about this perfect opportunity. I just started it not long ago in building my online business using Wealthy Affiliate training platform. My goal is to earn about $4000 per month just like you do. How long did you take to actually see a dollar earned in WA?
Hi there Peter! Thank you for this question, its a very good one! Its very common for people to wonder how long it will take them to start earning money online with WA. Its also very common for people to get frustrated and give up before they actually reach their full potential. I started a completely fresh website when I joined WA, and it took me around 3 months to start seeing results.
The time it takes to start earning online will vary depending on how quickly you get through the training and also on the niche that you choose. Less competition within your niche will give you quicker results. You have to be a little patient when starting a new website if your goal is simply to make money online. Google won’t trust your site in the beginning, so your rankings wont be high.
It takes time to get through the training, put your site together properly, build good content pages and then get them ranked. 3 months is a good figure I think for starting to see results, but you really need to go for it. If you want to to see good results within 3 or 4 months, you need to put in the work now! And for those of you that think 3 months seems like a long time to wait, then you are in the wrong place!
WA offers an excellent opportunity to earn money on the net, but you need to create your own future. Working hard now could see you earning money month after month for a long time to come in the future.
Hi Andrew,
Here is yet another comment about how good WA is! – And, yes it is really, but as you say, it’s not easy-peasy, it requires the hours to be put in, which actually is Great Fun, if you choose a nice niche for your work.
I heartily recommend Wealthy Affiliate, as I’ve found that I get some great support from successful members such as yourself.
So, if anyone is in doubt, got to the Wealthy Affiliate link and sign up – it’ll be good to see you there!
You make a very good point here Andy, building an online business is actually good fun sometimes. I think it’s easy to look at this process as just a way to make money online. When in actual fact it can be a really great way to spend your spare time, or full time for that matter. The key to enjoying what you do when starting up an online business is to choose a subject, or niche that you are really passionate about.
It’s one thing that can be a little bit overlooked sometimes, but getting the niche right can be make or break. You spend quite a bit of time with your website, so its a good idea to be able to talk about something that you are interested in and don’t get bored with too easily.
Good to hear that you are getting all the support that you need. Feel free to contact me at any time, should you need any assistance.
Take care,
Very inspiring. This is short and accurate, I can honestly tell you, if I wasnt a premium member already, I would definitely reach out to work with you at WA based on your article. And even If I am motivated a lot, your article even adds some more to it. Even though I just started with WA two weeks ago, I can fully recommend it to others already as well. I really believe in this and I hope that I can build a similar profiting business as you and many others have.
WA learn and give you everything needed to start successful business. How each of us will use this knowledge can only every be up to us.
Yes, perfect inspiring and motivating article. I will follow you closely inside WA.
Keep up the good work!
Hi there! Nice to meet you, welcome to the make money online zone. Thank you for those very nice words, I really appreciate that. So you went with the premium membership after just a couple of weeks? Taking action and moving as far as you can will take you far. As I always tell people, the free membership will show you how to build a successful online business. However, the premium membership will take you to the next level and far beyond.
I have just received a notification that you have contacted me inside WA, so I will speak to you inside!
Speak to you soon,
Hi Andrew
I loved your page, although how did you make all that money, I mean what was your niche and how were you promoting it, it would be more interesting if you let us know about you niche and the affiliate programs you used.
What are the features I will get in WA and how do I know it is not a scam?
Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to post on my website. I really appreciate your compliment and would like to answer your questions. I would first of all like to assure you that this is definitely not a scam! The whole reason that this opportunity is free to start is because a lot of people will think the same as you. By offering this membership at no cost, we get the chance to prove to you that this is a real opportunity and not a scam!
Secondly, the process that I used to make this money is outlined within this article. However, it would be a very long article if I was to map out the exact process that I use to make money online. Once you join the membership here you will get full access to the exact training that I used to make this income. You also get full access to myself for one week! You can ask as many questions as you like and I will reply to each and every one of them!
If you would like to read a more detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate then you can find that by clicking here.
I hope that helps! I look forward to speaking to you and explaining everything in detail inside the members area.
Have a great day and the best of success with your online ventures!