If you are a regular reader of the Make Money Online Zone then you will already know that we hate scams! But some scams are worse than others. This one concentrates its efforts on scamming those people who have already been scammed!
This is a pretty nasty scam that aims to extract money from those who have already lost it before. The scammers obviously see those people as easy targets.
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Welcome To Our Traders Revenge review.
Traders Revenge is the latest binary trading system that has hit the internet. It claims that it can finally allow you to make money online and gain financial freedom. Over the years I have seen many scams like this. In fact, I’m sure these guys have some kind of Rota where they just keep the same old ideas churning out time and time again.
This binary options scam is just the same as many others. We’ve seen so many on this site before. But what’s really nasty about this one is the fact that they are re-targeting people that have already lost money to similar scams!
Traders Revenge – The story behind the scam
The story behind Traders Revenge is that the creator behind this system was so sick of being scammed that he went out and had his own binary software made.
If you’ve been around the make money online or binary options scene for a long time then you might be familiar with this kind of story.
It’s a classic tale, told by fake people that can’t tell the truth. The guy behind this also claims to be a hacker. Hmmm, I’m sure he is.
If you haven’t already sensed the tone of this review yet, I’m not recommending that you get involved with Traders Revenge in the slightest.
If you have been tempted to get involved with this system then I want to make things very clear. Traders Revenge is a scam, simple as that! Although it claims to be the complete opposite of that (of course). But I want to explain why this system is a scam and why you should avoid further scams like this.
Traders Revenge Review – The Truth
The truth behind Traders Revenge is that this system is completely fake. At the beginning of the Traders Revenge video, you will see several people all claiming to have been scammed. One even says she was scammed 9 times in 60 days! These people are paid, actors and actresses.
The only truth you will get from this video is the fact that people really are scammed many times over by binary trading systems. There are currently hundreds of scams running on the internet right now. Traders Revenge is just another one of them.
All of these scams have several things in common and they become really easy to spot, once you know what you are looking for. The main thing that they always do is give you some reason why their software is free. In this case, the creator of this software wants to get his own back on the scammers, hence the name Traders Revenge!
You might think that this system can’t be all that bad, especially if it doesn’t cost anything. However, the fact is that in order for these scams to work, there has to be money involved. That money comes directly out of your pocket. It’s the scammer’s job to convince you that it’s totally safe for you to part with your money. In fact, a lot of scammers will tell you that they don’t want your money but you need to “invest” a certain amount with a broker to make the system operational.
The Traders Revenge Scam
Once these guys have convinced you to put in your credit card details, there is no going back. For many people, the situation just gets worse from thereon. The software that is talked about within Traders Revenge has actually been used time and time again on hundreds of different binary trading scams. The software isn’t designed to cleverly calculate the outcome of binary trades at all. In fact, the software will just randomly guess the outcome until it loses all of your money.
So why would the creators of Traders Revenge want you to lose? Well, every time someone makes a deposit into a binary broker account through Traders Revenge they get paid a commission. The Traders Revenge creators are affiliates of many binary trading brokers and get paid for every amount that is paid into these accounts. These guys can make thousands of dollars in a very short space of time. Not by trading but by using a technique called affiliate marketing.
Although there are right ways and wrong ways to use affiliate marketing. The creators of these scams certainly don’t do things the ethical way.
Can I get my money back from Traders Revenge?
With most online systems you can simply get your money back if you are not entirely happy with an online purchase. But in the case of binary options trading, things are very similar to betting. One of the reasons that these systems are given away for free is so you have no come back on the creators.
If you “invest” money into a binary trading account, you can take that money out at any time. But once you have set the trading software into action you are effectively gambling with it. And we all know there are no money-back guarantees with gambling!
My advice to you would be to stay away from anything to do with binary options. If you see a system that claims it can make you a fortune whilst you do nothing, it’s a lie. There are ways for you to legitimately make money online but this is definitely not one of those methods.
If you would like to learn how to genuinely make real and ethical money on the internet then I suggest that you click the big orange button below.
Thank you for visiting the Make Money Online Zone – I hope to see you again soon!
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