Table of Contents
How To Get The Most Out Of The Wealthy Affiliate Yearly Membership
Wealthy Affiliate offers 3 types of membership. There’s a free membership that’s really great for beginners. Monthly membership for those who want to take it to the next level. And then there’s the Wealthy Affiliate yearly membership which is ideal for those people who are dedicated to creating a successful online business.
The yearly membership not only gives you the very best value for money, but it also gives you the best chance of success. You see, creating a profitable online business takes a bit of time. You may have heard that it’s possible to make a fortune online within a very short space of time, but in reality, this is never the case.
Making a great online business takes a couple of months to get going. There’s a lot of planning to do if you really want to get the most out of your business. And the main thing that you will have to put into your online venture is effort. So if you are the sort of person who isn’t willing to work, then you might as well walk away right now.
The Wealthy Affiliate Mindset
The people who are most successful with Wealthy Affiliate are those that are committed to putting in the time and effort. You need both things in order to succeed with this business as there is a bit of a learning curve. Like anything in life, you need to learn the skills in order to create a successful online business. Fortunately, Wealthy Affiliate is very good at teaching you the skills. But you need the ability to be able to apply what you learn.
It’s pointless going into this venture hoping that you are going to make your fortune in the first month. That never happens! You need to be prepared to put in some hard work for around 3 months before you start seeing results.
Why does it take that long? Well, the Wealthy Affiliate training is based on getting free traffic. It takes Google a while to learn about your website, trust it and index it within the search results. As more trust is gained, the higher you will rank. But in the meantime, you will have to put in the work without seeing any rewards.
So What Happens If You Work Hard?
The great thing about the Wealthy Affiliate membership is that you can actually talk to the successful members. And there are a lot of them! All of the members that are making the most money online, all have one thing in common. They work hard and get fantastic results.
The exact amount of money that you can earn with Wealthy Affiliate is impossible to say. The amount you earn will depend on the niche that you choose, the amount of competition that you have and the amount of effort that you put in.
On saying that, there are people in WA that put in a few hours per week and walk away with some great profit. I’m pleased to say that I am one of those people…
So How Do you Approach The Wealthy Affiliate Yearly Membership?
In order to get the most out of your membership, you need to prepare. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you the basics within their free membership. But in order to get started on the road to success, you will need to choose a niche and then create content for your website. Choosing a niche is something that a lot of people really struggle with. My best advice here would be to choose something that you really like.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to build an online business website that is full of content. So you need to be able to create lots of content. The easiest way to go about this is to choose something that you are really passionate about. Choosing a subject that you don’t really like or that you think will pay you more is a big mistake. Since you are going to be writing content, you really need some interest in your subject matter.
You need lots of content! It’s what will take you right to the very top!
Here’s how you should approach your content building efforts…
Content, Content and Even More Content!
Content really is king in the eyes of Google! So there’s no wonder that you need a lot of it in order to succeed with an online business. If you want to make money online with your writing then this is for you.
In my opinion, you should plan to write a minimum of 20 articles within your first 3 months. This will give you a great start as well as show Google that you mean business!
Continuing to produce great content whilst following the Wealthy Affiliate training can only go one way…
So What Theme Could You Base Your Business On?
You can base your online business on absolutely anything. The Wealthy Affiliate basic training will show you how to select your niche, but at the end of the day it’s really up to you. In my experience, even the strangest of niches can produce a really good amount of income.
Your very first online business could be based on a hobby that you have or a particular skill that you might possess. Whatever you choose, you can make money from it.
How Do You Make Money In Wealthy Affiliate?
I already said that content was the key to success. Well, that’s because every article that you create for your website gives you yet another chance of making money online. One or two articles won’t make any impression on Google. But give Google 10 or 20 articles on your given subject and they will start to pay attention.
As you produce more content for your website the search engines will begin to rank you higher. The more content, the more authority your site will gain and the more traffic you will gather. This is why Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme. The membership is most definitely a get rich slowly but gradually technique that works every time!
How you make money online is completely up to you. Some people show advertisements on their sites that make money every time they are clicked, whilst others make money with affiliate marketing.
Get Started With The Wealthy Affiliate Yearly Membership
If you are ready to build a real online business. If you are sick of being scammed or led down the wrong path, then let me help you. Join the Wealthy Affiliate yearly membership and I’ll be there for you every step of the way. You see, the great thing about Wealthy Affiliate is the fact that you get unbeatable support.
I’ll be there to guide you as soon as you sign up. And so will a whole community of like-minded individuals.
What are you waiting for? Just click the link for more information and to get started.
Mister Griffo says
Great information, I’m monthly and I’m not going anywhere. I found that content can be tough when you on a tight schedule and this is where some serious effort has to come in. Everything takes time and I believe its time for me to do the yearly membership as well. The truth is nothing comes overnight but a dream, after the dream we have to take action. Any encouraging advice on taking the yearly vs monthly? Thanks for your time.
Andrew says
Hi there! First of all that you for posting your comments and questions, I really appreciate it.
I think there are a couple of pieces of advice that I can give you based on what you have said here. First of all, you are quite right. Creating content can be tough if you are not used to it. We all start in the same place at the beginning and I see newcomers all the time who try to create an article every day, or even more! It stands to reason that eventually most people are going to burn out if they try to take on too much.
My advice on content would be to plan your time. This might be easier said than done, but its worth thinking about. You don’t need to rush content! You don’t even need to create and publish an article on the same day, or even within the same week for that matter. Work on your content and produce quality rather than quantity. Save a draft of what you are working on and do it bit by bit. Also, don’t worry about what other people are doing and how much they are writing. We are all different, with varying responsibilities.
Right again about what you say about everything taking time. It really does take time to build a successful online business. Nobody ever did it on a night! And that’s why I think the Wealthy Affiliate yearly membership has a great advantage. Going premium is fantastic, but paying out monthly is not the most economical way to do it.
We are all in Wealthy Affiliate to make money. The end goal is to make as much profit as possible! In my opinion, although the monthly membership gives you exactly the same as the yearly membership, it saves you money, therefore giving you more chance of profit.
The Wealthy Affiliate yearly membership also has a couple of other benefits. Firstly, you no longer need to worry about where that monthly fee is coming from. And secondly, it gives you time to properly plan out your business strategy for the year.
I knew that I wouldn’t make a lot of money within the first 2 or 3 months based on previous experience. So I planned for the long term. And this is what I recommend to everyone. Choose your niche and how you want to design your website. Get an idea of how you want your online business to work with the assistance of the Wealthy Affiliate training and then plan for success.
I’m only too happy to assist anyone in the Wealthy Affiliate community if they need any help. Just get in touch!
Have a great day,
Richard U. says
I had always had no doubt that the yearly membership is the right way to go with the wealthy affiliate.
Especially if you are serious about making real money online.
I have always suggested this to my clients who are serious about making life changing income online. Going yearly allows you the freedom to concentrate on your online business with vigor.
Thanks for the post. It sure added great value!
Andrew says
Hi there Richard. Thank you for posting your comment. The yearly membership really is a great choice if you know what you want to do and you are determined to create a successful online business. It was a no-brainer to me when I first got started and I know that’s the case for many people.