Hi there, welcome to MMOZ. Today we are taking a brief look at a website that has been around for quite some time. “Seven Dollar PTC” is a “pay per click” website that claims to pay its members $7 for each and every click they make. Members of the site are supposedly paid for clicking and viewing ads for a certain duration of time.
If you are new to making money online then the idea of simply clicking on ads to make money will no doubt sound very attractive. However, like with many of these websites, there are things that you need to look out for. In this article, we will be looking into the Seven Dollar PTC website and asking if it is really possible to make money online in this way? Is Seven Dollar PTC a scam or is it legit?
Let’s take a look…
Table of Contents
How does Seven Dollar PTC Work?

First of all, it’s important to know how these sites work. There are currently thousands of these sites online and unfortunately, a lot of them are scams. There is a valuable commodity online that people are always willing to pay for. That commodity is website traffic.
The idea behind most PTC websites is to offer low-cost website traffic to site owners. Every website owner wants real human visitors, but getting traffic isn’t always that easy. PTC sites aim to solve that problem, but usually not very well.
A quick solution to website traffic
PTC sites like Seven Dollar PTC offer a quick and cheap solution for site owners to get traffic. Where does that traffic come from? Well, that’s where you come in! In fact, that’s where hundreds of people come in. Sites like Seven Dollar PTC offer a share of the revenue paid to them in advertising costs. The advertising revenue is split between the creator of the PTC site and the person clicking the ads. Sounds good so far, right?
The difference between scam and legit
Most legitimate PTC websites will pay between $0.001 and $0.2 per click! Yes, you are reading this correctly. Often the most legit sites will still only pay a maximum of 2 cents per click. This makes perfect sense when you think about it. If an advertiser pays 4 cents per website visitor and you get 50% of the revenue, you would be paid 2 cents. However, the amounts paid by advertisers are often much, much less. In fact, I have seen advertising for as little as 25 cents per 1000 clicks!
Now that you understand the basics of how PTC sites work, you will understand that $7 is an incredibly high amount for a PTC site to pay. In fact, I think it’s fair to say that Seven Dollar PTC sounds like a classic PTC scam!
Is Seven Dollar PTC a scam?
People that are new to the idea of making money online often see PTC as an easy option. As I have already pointed out, most PTC sites are total scams. Unfortunately, the Seven Dollar PTC site is indeed a scam! The idea behind this scam is simply to have an army of people providing traffic and clicks for advertisers that pay for their services. The Seven Dollar PTC website owners take 100% of the advertising revenue whilst you and many others put in the work.
Sites like these often say that they only pay out once per month. Once you meet the required payment threshold you then have a certain period to wait for payment. In the case of Seven Dollar PTC, they say that you will be paid after 60 days.
So just to clarify… You could take a month to reach the payment threshold and then a further 2 months to reach your payment date. Seven Dollar PTC has no intention of paying you, their aim is simply to get 3 months’ worth of clicking out of you! After 3 months you might have realized that this is just another scam. But it continues to operate as new members join each and every day!
The Seven Dollar PTC Scam gets worse!
I think that this service is bad enough by wasting hundreds of people’s time. But the sad truth is that this scam gets even worse. Realizing that a lot of people won’t want to wait 60 days for their supposed payout, Seven Dollar PTC also offer premium membership options.
This wouldn’t be a bad option if the service was legitimate in the first place. However, the paid services offered by Seven Dollar PTC only make this scam worse. The premium options available cost between $85 and $425. However, paying for a lifetime $285 premium membership will supposedly buy you a membership that offers instant payments.
Seven Dollar PTC Review – Final Summary
This service is a complete waste of time and money. I highly recommend that you stay well away from it. Services like this offer no benefit to either the person clicking the ads or the person buying the advertising. The only person that is really benefiting here is the scam artist, who continues to rake in the money month after month. It is quite beyond me how a website like this can continue to operate without being closed down.
PTC Recommendations
Is it possible to make money online with PTC sites? To be completely honest, yes it is. However, if you think these sites are going to make you rich then think again! In our research, we talked to people that had tried to make income with these types of sites and the results were pretty conclusive. On average you can expect to make less than half a cent per click using these sites, and that’s if you find a good one! We spoke with one guy that made an average of just 10 cents per hour!
For that reason, I’m not going to recommend any PTC sites on this page. Instead, I’m going to recommend that you change your method slightly and go for something a bit different.
A real way to make money online
If you have been putting in time and effort to click ads in an attempt to make money online then you might be feeling a little disappointed at your results. But let me tell you, several years ago I was in exactly the same position that you are in right now. The fact that you have been putting in the time and effort to make an income with this method shows that you are an action taker. The internet is full of scammers and systems that are just out to take your money. It’s really not your fault!
I would like to introduce you to the exact same method of making money online that helped me achieve success. If you want a legitimate way to earn good money on the internet, then you need to at least take a look at this. In my opinion, this is the best, legitimate way to make money online.
Wow, really insightful stuff. I’ve always wondered how they made money out of those types of websites. Once I was about to join one of these, but luckily I heard that it was a scam before it was too late. What ends up happening after those six months, do they at least pay something? Or do they just ignore the users (clickers in this case)?
Hi there. There are some people online that claim that they have been paid by this scam. However I think the reports of being paid are simply set up by the scam artists themselves. From the research that we have done, it would appear that nobody gets paid, ever. I have looked at scams like this in the past and the idea behind them is simply to keep the person doing the clicking for as long as possible. At the end of the day as long as the site is getting the clicks, then they are making money. The site may well have started out with good intentions of splitting the site earnings but that is highly doubtful. So in answer to your question, no they don’t see any of the money. Its just a big waste of time!
Even the legit PTC sites that we have seen are a waste of time and money. Some have you pay to upgrade for higher profit sharing, but don’t end up covering the cost of the membership.Others just pay so little that its really not worth the effort.
What I hate the most about these scams is the fact that they all use the old trick of implying big earnings right in the title of the site. Seven Dollar PTC obviously implies you are going to earn 7 dollars every time you click an advert. Of course that doesn’t make any sense at at, because the advertisers are paying so little.
Anyway, I’m glad that you managed to avoid being scammed by one of these sites Luis. Take care out there and if you find any more scams, be sure to report them to us for investigation!
All the best,
I really enjoyed reading this really because it is one of the first things that I ended up playing with when I aimed to make a living online. I wasted so much time thinking I could just click websites. The fact is unless its a rare case it just does not work and as you point out the actual pay rates for the clicks are a lot less than advertised.
When there are more ethical ways of earning money this is definately one to think twice about. Thankyou for sharing 🙂
Hi there Andy! Yes, this was one of the first things that I tried, many years ago when I was first starting out online. Things haven’t really changed that much, the same systems are still going strong and still conning people out of their time and money. The guys that create these websites know what they are doing and quite often they encourage people to keep on clicking for weeks. Eventually of course we all discover the truth and that clicking on websites really doesn’t pay!
And yes you are right when you say there are better ways to make money online. I just hope that I can get that message across to a few people!
Thanks for your comments.
All the best,
Please show me, really need it. Thanks
Hello John. I recommend making money online by setting up your own online business. The methods that we use mean that you can create a business about almost anything that interests you and make money from it. The site that I recommend everyone to take a look at is called Wealthy Affiliate. I work in the Wealthy Affiliate community every day, helping people to set up a website and to get started with an online business. You can start for free and that even includes getting your own free website online too. You can read more about it and Join Wealthy Affiliate here.